
New Member
Jus' bragging really - went to Wales week before last camping, greenlaning and just generally knocking about - here's the vid

Whoever keeps going off piste on Strata Florida wants shooting...:violent:
it's a fair cop gu'vnor - we planned up the trip with someone else but he pulled out the day before and i wasn't cancelling my holiday!! :eek:
rule num 1 of the gl code never ever go out on yr own it can so easily go may have got away with it this time;)

QFT, imagine you had a catastrophic failure on the strata, got stuck in one of the river crossings, heavy rain upstream means your suddenly flooded, its getting dark, nearest house is a good few miles away if you know your way, your cold, wet, little lost, **** gets bad real quick...

Or you may just slip, stick it on its roof and knock yourself unconscious... can happen on any lane and unlike a road you could be undiscovered for days....

Or you could just get stuck, really stuck, then your up the creek...
Strata force is not the place to go solo. Local maybe.

People have died there. Sudden rainfall out of sight can lit water levels by feet in minutes.
I've seem the splash and mud stuff. But a family trip into the back country like that is....... just very nice

Strata Florida is no place for a family outing unless there's at least one other vehicle accompanying you. People Have been killed whilst driving it..
but lesson learned now hey ;)

Nicely put together video though. :)
its not the incident i thought it was actually.

still sad though :(
Just to echo the others, do NOT go out laning alone, especially where you can be miles from any civilization. Not long after I first got my Landy I went for a nice jaunt around Salisbury Plain, had the misses and kids with me and it was a nice day out, but just before we were going to call it a day I (stupidly) got a tad over confident and ended up stuck. Long story short, we were there for over 4 hours and only got out thanks to a friendly farmer who happened to find us and pull is out with his tractor.

I'd love to do the Strata Florida but there's no way on earth I would even consider doing it on my own.
I've just noticed something on the Google aerial photos of the track I think you mean. There's a jolly little party of 4x4 enthusiasts:

And there's some more a little further north:

Must have been a busy day!
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