Theres only so many parts manufactured and many different vehicle builders use parts that are present on other cars/vans/trucks . Theres some LDV van bits that go on D1s , I know , but I dont know how much link up there was between the disco and mg builds . Its easy to laugh , fun too , but in all seriousness , there were a whole load of later Rover car switches and ancilleries that were common with D1 and D2 .
Outside of vehicle maker branded parts , when you get to Bosch , Lucas , Hella and all that theres plenty of scope . I recall many years ago that a certain Hella headlamp cost a fortune if you bought it for a BMW (or summat fancy) but was chips if you bought it for a Capri . This holds true today too , even more so in the used parts world .
On the face of it maybe a silly question.....but theres a good deal of truth in the theory behind it . But , MGZ ? That was just asking for it !