but tyres need to be the same pressure front/rear
whatever the aim of the original post request ..
methinks there are too many variables ..
tyres flex whilst being driven down the road ..
tyre construction varies from make / model / type .. etc
air pressure will vary depending on temperature
getting an accurate height measurement be 'iffy' on most surfaces
placing the vehicle level not too hard .. but the surface needs to be dead smooth ..
like flat steel plate .. or similar ..
as for a measuring device .. i could have done with using something like a combination square set ..
anyhow i tried again .. set all tyres to 31 psi
2006 TD4 commercial:
rear load was about 26 litres diesel + dog
vehicle was level as could be .. but surface were tarmac ..
tried in 2 locations .. 1st one were a rediculous result due to surface undulations of said tarmac
( measured both sides with way different results )
2nd location looked smoother .. measured twice on one side ..
results were different im afraid

350 mm F / 357 mm R
349 mm F / 356 mm R
1 mm less tread depth on front .. compared to rear ..
( and that IS as accurate as can be ) ..
tyre .. michelin latitude hp .. 225 / 55 H 17
i'm 62 .. wear varyfocul lens glasses .. 'n have a crap back
trying to spot which mm mark it be while crouching down 'n holding things steady ..
with a cold wind watering up my eyes ..
plus a less than desirable smooth surface on which to stand the steel ruler ..
the potential for an inaccurate reading is definitley there
one good thing .. at least i'm reasonably confident now ..
that the rear tyre 'working surface' is greater than the front tyre (s)
( and at my preferred psi loading front-to-rear )
so less chance of fretting / losing sleep .. over the possibility of imminent vcu failure of the stiffening kind
more worried now .. at 109k vehicle miles ..
that the crankshaft sensor will suddenly die mid journey at the worst possible road location
( i think the engine quits totaly .. on the spot .. if that sensor goes kaputski )
best of luck with whatever it is your trying to achieve here 'hippo'