
Well-Known Member
Just come out the house to find it's disappeared overnight. I only just finished getting the bastid thing back on the road.
Maramduke, that sucks.

Landywatch is on twitter now as well. Hope you get it back in good condition quick.


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I came out the house at 11.40 to load some stuff in the back to go to the tip and found it gone. Phoned the police at 11.45 and then phoned skytag who said that they'd got it on screen but couldn't tell me where until the police were with it. Skytag rang me back with in a hour to tell me that the police were stood next to the vehicle and the post code of where it was, can you believe that....The bloody post code:D

Drove to where the tratter was to give the police the keys so soco could go over it cos there's been a few stolen around the area recently and mine is the only one they've got back.

If you haven't got a tracker then you're a muppet
I came out the house at 11.40 to load some stuff in the back to go to the tip and found it gone. Phoned the police at 11.45 and then phoned skytag who said that they'd got it on screen but couldn't tell me where until the police were with it. Skytag rang me back with in a hour to tell me that the police were stood next to the vehicle and the post code of where it was, can you believe that....The bloody post code:D

Drove to where the tratter was to give the police the keys so soco could go over it cos there's been a few stolen around the area recently and mine is the only one they've got back.

If you haven't got a tracker then you're a muppet

ok, that's another thing for my shopping list...

what was the MO though? did they park it up to figure out if it had a tracker? did they nick the stereo? was it nicked for a crime?
ok, that's another thing for my shopping list...

what was the MO though? did they park it up to figure out if it had a tracker? did they nick the stereo? was it nicked for a crime?
Parked up waiting to see if anyone was going to find it, the stereo and sub is all still in place, stuffs been moved about but nothing is missing
Parked up waiting to see if anyone was going to find it, the stereo and sub is all still in place, stuffs been moved about but nothing is missing

utter scumbags.

so glad you've got it back though.... I'd have worried for your mental health if it'd gone properly! Be sure to stick something up in Ratty's security thread.
utter scumbags.

so glad you've got it back though.... I'd have worried for your mental health if it'd gone properly! Be sure to stick something up in Ratty's security thread.

I'd been toying with getting rid of it and I thought oh well the decision's made, but oh no the tratters is coming home.....
Pal for how much it cost I told the bloke a skytag I'd be singing his praises. It was stolen somewhere between 3am and 7am. Bizarrely all week I've been up at half two in the morning it's only cos I'm off yesterday and today that it was parked there.
You cannot believe the size of the smile on my face though Dan
really relieved you've got it back.

Thanks Sim, it's a bit surreal to be honest, if it wasn't for the fact that the police have kept it then it would be outside my house like nothing had ever happened. Can't fault skytag though just hope that the coppers get some useful info from the insides of the car and it leads to something

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