New Member
I have 2 MAXTEL spot lights attached to the soft A-Bar on the front of my defender, but I absolutely cannot get into the things to change the bulbs?
Any ideas anyone?
there is just one screw that appears to be spring loaded , and that is it.
Ive undone that but it hasn't released anything.
Its really confusing?
Does anyone have a solution for this? There doesn't seem to be any conclusive threads.

It's like trying to get into a safe...

Turn the screw a few times, it releases tension on the clip. Then gently lever a screwdriver blade between the chrome and the cup and push the chrome away. It may need some WD40 but it will give.
Cheers Simkin,

As you suggested it just needed some brute force and a bit of lube to lever the chrome away from the cup.

Typically I'd been struggling on the hard one, the second came off pretty easy!

James :)

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