Cheers fur the tips on cuttin', will bear that in mind:D Hope ye huv fun doon in the big smoke, it's a pity ye'll be missin' all this glorious sunshine :D :D
just been told that you can buy a bending machine in machine mart for 30 quid given that i spent 6 hours making mine and 15 quid on stuff to make it its worth a look you could always sell it on ebay once youre done with it or even on the for sale bit here
I'm maybe thinking of bungin' sumbuddy a couple o' quid tae bend mine;)

Beer garden!!!, pub !!!!! Forgot whit yin looks like, Too far tae walk (8 mile tae the toon and back:eek: ) and could dae withoot the hassle of fowk. Few beers in ma garage does me, no as far tae fa'':D :D :D
wish i was in me garage with my stella fridge but stuck in city plenty landrovers going about though with roll bars,winchs etc not a tree or bit grass for miles strange place london really:confused:
If the local college is owt like ours then it'd come back looking like a scrap birdgage
wish i was in me garage with my stella fridge but stuck in city plenty landrovers going about though with roll bars,winchs etc not a tree or bit grass for miles strange place london really:confused:
Dae ye think they actually yase thum or is the skeel run that bad!!!! :p :rolleyes::D
Dae ye think they actually yase thum or is the skeel run that bad!!!! :p :rolleyes::D

i might be being a bit hard on them but one of the managers in the place were refurbisihing turned up in a 90 with a winch,roll cage and enough lights to spotlight the entire rabbit population of europe i asked him if the was if he tooh it of road and he replied "cost me a fortune to get it looking like this i wouldnt want to damage it":mad:
mind you some areas id want an armoured job straigt from N.I

ps think there a metal work place in C.Doug check yella pages
Bleedin' hell, did ye **** the bed!!! Back o' 6 in the mornin'!!!:eek: :D
Usually aboot that time, I'm rollin' ower and touchin' summit warm, wet and hairy......... that'll be the dog after her walk!!!!!!:D
A' wisnae far wrang wi' the dolled up landies tho':rolleyes:
Ken thur's a couple o' bits in C.D that does metalwork, but think it's mainly steel work, but could be wrong. Thur's a place in Dfs called Johnstone & Clarke that does all kinds of metal work. Jist need the right buddy tae come in for a ta2;)
Hope the Smoke's bein' guid tae ye
Best mastic for sticking anything down is Sikkaflex I have a friend who restores the roofs on listed buildings and he uses it to stick slates together.

What he does is stripout every 5th row of slates and nail them down then in the remaining rows he uses an angle grinder to cut a slot through the remaining slates and halfway into the bottom slate. then he fills the slot with sikka flex. and he's never had to go back and replace a slipped slate.

Sikaflex has only one 'k', if you're doing a search. I've used it as part of a damp-proofing system in a basement. I know BBM in Hounslow, Middx. stocks it. Not sure what the local Conservation Officer would think of your friend's use of non-traditional materials though:eek:
Sikaflex has only one 'k', if you're doing a search. I've used it as part of a damp-proofing system in a basement. I know BBM in Hounslow, Middx. stocks it. Not sure what the local Conservation Officer would think of your friend's use of non-traditional materials though:eek:

Approved by english heritage and whatever the welsh equivalent is. One of the roofs he's done using that method is the Corn Exchange in Leeds. as well as several church roofs. the Conservationists love it because you don't have to strip the whole roof. The amount he uses is very small. and isn't noticable from ground level.
How's the fettle Davie, the smoke bein' guid tae ye? No bin on fur a while, bin busy wi' the bus. Put new bushes in, new steerin' damper, new steerin' / track rod and ends, got some o' them Super Gaz shocks and springs comin' the morn (hopefully):cool: :D
So much fur the paint job on ma wings, effin' paint didnae set. Hud tae strip it off and re prime, got sum hardnurs now so maybe that'll wurk:D
How's the fettle Davie, the smoke bein' guid tae ye? No bin on fur a while, bin busy wi' the bus. Put new bushes in, new steerin' damper, new steerin' / track rod and ends, got some o' them Super Gaz shocks and springs comin' the morn (hopefully):cool: :D
So much fur the paint job on ma wings, effin' paint didnae set. Hud tae strip it off and re prime, got sum hardnurs now so maybe that'll wurk:D
Um, sorry I don't speak Polish. I think you have the wrong person - you need DefenderDavie.
hi buster hows the bus coming along got the wings finished yet im returning home from the smoke tommorow and hoping to pick up 110 at the weekend to start my camper conversion not been on for a while cos moved hotel and this one doesnt have wifi be back to my regular nonsense posts soon cheers for now

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