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Article borrowed from Kent news, Sports, Jobs, Cars, Homes | This is Kent


By rebecca smith rebecca.smith@krnmedia.co.uk

THE pride and joy of Margate Sea Cadets – its specially equipped Land Rover – has been stolen.
Thieves struck on Sunday, August 29 while the cadets were helping fundraise at the 150th anniversary celebrations of Margate's RNLI station.

The ex-military Land Rover Defender 110 was bought as a launch and recovery vehicle for the unit's newly acquired rigid inflatable boat (RIB) which was paid for with money from the People's Millions television show.

The RIB was to be used not only by the cadets as a safety and training boat but also to be available for other youth groups.

As a result of the theft, it is now going to be more difficult to use the boat to the best of its ability.

The cadets' leader Michael Bon said the theft of what he called the cadets' "pride and joy" put the future of the unit in jeopardy.
He added: "All of our monies are now going towards maintaining our building and security – this makes it extremely difficult to pay our rent and other outgoings."

The Land Rover was last seen heading towards Maidstone after it was taken from the unit at 3.15pm on the Sunday from their headquarters near Hartsdown Park.

It appears thieves took more than an hour to get the vehicle off the premises – even removing all Sea Cadet identification and the Margate town crest.

The index number of the silver grey Land Rover Defender is M871 ASL.
It is thought the vehicle passed the Prospect Inn at Manston and then along the Thanet Way, M2 and A249 towards Maidstone.

Mr Bon said: "We are now looking for financial help – can any company or person assist?

"The aim of the Sea Cadet Corps is to help young people develop into responsible adulthood using a nautical theme based on the traditions and customs of the Royal Navy."

IF you can help the cadets call us on 01843 578151.
Please Keep your eyes open guys, Or if you can help with a vehicle or funds please do.

That is absolutely shocking. Some people need to be neutered so they can't breed more scum, preferably with a vice.
not before i smash their theiving sticky little hands with a lump hammer on top of a fence post at the top of blackstone edge moors like i did with the kid i cought in my ex police dog escort van he didnt arf scream and i never got done for it as he wouldnt report it as he was stealing my wheels at the time
regards john
It's no more shocking than any other landy theft.

Some scum bag found an easy to steal landy (relativly speaking) so stole it. Why on earth would a scum bag care if it was owned by a multi-millionaire, a charity or a poor student? All they will see is a vehicle they can sell / break / use to ram-raid / joy ride

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