
Well-Known Member
I've heard much about cleaning the wires. Some say yes and some say no.

I also heard all the various arguments and want to know what to do? Do I spray electrical cleaner or whatever or just leave them?

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MAF's are affected by some solvents and most oils, Lambda sensors are affected by neat fuel.

Depends on the MAF: i.e., GEMS MAF responds very well to cleaning (with actual sensor cleaner spray can); BOSCH MAF will die a quick and ugly death if you try and clean it - or so the general consensus of BOSCH MAF cleaners would have it. Earlier than GEMS MAF - I can only claim ignorance on as I have never worked on one.
For what they cost (with some very notable exceptions) it's better to replace the unit if it is at all dicky.

Ebay cheapo units tend to be a waste of money in my experience.

Using the correct filter also helps prolong the MAF life.

I still have one here where the wires on the sensing diodes are eaten away with corrosion, no amount of cleaning is going to affect that.

As mine is a D2, I don't have much direct feedback on the earlier MAF's, but I do know that one of the D1 units is eye-wateringly expensive.


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