I'd be interested in a small internal multi-coloured LZIR, to go on the opposite side to my Landzone.co.uk sticker in the rear window.

I may also qualify, possibly....???
I'd be interested in a small internal multi-coloured LZIR, to go on the opposite side to my Landzone.co.uk sticker in the rear window.

I may also qualify, possibly....???

If my memory serves me correctly I seem to remember that internals are a pain in the arse so you've got to fek yourself and lump it.
It's been a while since these designs have been updated, is there anything new in the offering for 2015.?! :)
Everything is a pain in the arse atm.

Top cat has been good enough to layer them up for us up til now but internals are tricky.

I was going to ask someone to knock up a digital template so I could look at getting internals and externals printed but theyve done a lot of stuff in their own time for free and got lots of grief for it so I'm not keen to ask yet another favour atm.

Need a new plan when I've got some headspace.
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can i have a sticker pls:rolleyes::rolleyes:

anything to hold the landy together

There are only 3 left, which one suits?

Right! Having actually found the remains of the last batch I've emailed a few people to get prices for a noo lot. :)

That dint take long o_O
@blue beasty

You've had yet anuvver 6 months - time for some more herangerising....

Is the noo stickers sorted yets? Needs one fer Mulberry, one for SWMBO's Mondy (wot did Zomgie's rescue) and so's it dun't feel left outs, Fydo the Ka.
@blue beasty

You've had yet anuvver 6 months - time for some more herangerising....

Is the noo stickers sorted yets? Needs one fer Mulberry, one for SWMBO's Mondy (wot did Zomgie's rescue) and so's it dun't feel left outs, Fydo the Ka.

When a bloke says he's gonna do summink he'll do it....There's no need to hassle him every 6 months about it :confused:

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