Last time I contacted Wessex 4x4 Response they said they were full and had sufficient members, I think you have to be CRB checked as well....

Yes you have to be CRB checked, I have a current 'Enhanced CRB' but they still did a basic CRB on me. In the event I didn't waste any more of my time with them. Most of the members are up their own arses and full of self importance, I doubt they have 'sufficient' numbers otherwise they wouldn't still be sending me texts to help out on the Somerset levels, I'm nowhere near the Somerset levels and no longer a member. If you want to assist others, do it off your own back (as I always have done, and always will).
There are huge pumps at Dunball ready to be unloaded with piping
Sorry but putting that lot together just gave me an idea.

Floods + 4x4 + prostitutes

This sounds like a job for Blue Beasty and his ambulance - mobile brothel in flooded areas.

just go on adultwork and register as a driver
Yeah they are only accepting new members through referral ATM and yes you need a CRB check as you work with vulnerable people.

Tis funny cos in actuality you should never be left with a Vunerable person whilst carrying out Response work. & therefore a CRB check is pointless.

4x4 Response groups stated aims are "to provide transportation and Logistical support to statutory agencies". Not to act as a free bus service or unpaid carers. In the event that it is necessary to transport Vulnerable Person/s. Then the appropriate agency should provide approved staff (carers) to chaperone those people. No responder should ever be placed in a position where they are responsible for the wellbeing or care of Vulnerable people.

I've had ****loads of arguments over this issue. Most responders I've discussed this with, agree with my view point. However the committee members seem to think that kissing the councils arse's is more important than preventing their Group members from been placed in a position where they could be falsely accused of sexual or physical assault. :mad:
i dunno how anyone has time for these response groups, when we had bad snow in wales i had enough to deal with running round family/friends/work mates/towing stuck cars and generally having fun

work did send out an email asking if any staff with 4x4's and business insurance could be on stand by to bring critical staff in if needed
Tis funny cos in actuality you should never be left with a Vunerable person whilst carrying out Response work. & therefore a CRB check is pointless.

4x4 Response groups stated aims are "to provide transportation and Logistical support to statutory agencies". Not to act as a free bus service or unpaid carers. In the event that it is necessary to transport Vulnerable Person/s. Then the appropriate agency should provide approved staff (carers) to chaperone those people. No responder should ever be placed in a position where they are responsible for the wellbeing or care of Vulnerable people.

I've had ****loads of arguments over this issue. Most responders I've discussed this with, agree with my view point. However the committee members seem to think that kissing the councils arse's is more important than preventing their Group members from been placed in a position where they could be falsely accused of sexual or physical assault. :mad:

Good excuse to bling up ya motor, advertise who ya are.....

And then **** everyone off by parking up at the docs so nobody can get in or out :p

WESSEX are jumped up self important cocks, with no special status
As the rules on the crb checks have been changed . Im with a response group and according to the new agency that does them we do not fullfill the requirement to get one .
Mainly we do not work with vunerable people on a regular basis and would not be alone with them.
.The system now has some common sense
The red cross wanted me to get one done but now dont fit the critera. So cant be issued one. When advised red cross of rule change. Even they were not up to date on changes.
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i dunno how anyone has time for these response groups, when we had bad snow in wales i had enough to deal with running round family/friends/work mates/towing stuck cars and generally having fun

work did send out an email asking if any staff with 4x4's and business insurance could be on stand by to bring critical staff in if needed

I was in HY4x4Response and to be fair During bad weather we did a lot of good work Ferrying docs Nurses plod etc from their home to their place of work, as well as ferrying cops to snowbound or flooded area so that they could manage the situation better. Incidents like collecting a Pregnant diabetic woman from a line of snowbound cars, and taking her home so she could get to her insulin. I believe one member ferried a paramedic & a midwive to a labour at an isolated farmhouse as well. But Far too many groups nowadays see themselves as some sort of "Professional Agency" when what they are supposed to be is a group of people offering their time and vehicles in times of emergency.
I was down there this morning and was disappointed, in the amount of lead that you can actually fit in a Kayak :mad: Plod didn't believe me when I said it was just for Ballast.. :eek:
But Far too many groups nowadays see themselves as some sort of "Professional Agency" when what they are supposed to be is a group of people offering their time and vehicles in times of emergency.

+1 they could be become a 'Professional Agency' but everyone would need much more training rather than using common sense, and you would still have some stuck up guy with 30k+ worth of defender being in charge who won't risk scratching it to achive the objective
that is why we broke away from the 4x4 response network and went on our own and it was the best thing we ever did.
now working with the local police and ambulance service plus local parish councils helping out people in need
that is why we broke away from the 4x4 response network and went on our own and it was the best thing we ever did.
now working with the local police and ambulance service plus local parish councils helping out people in need

Give me regards to Ian when ya see him..
Chuckle they play at making themselves a role, they think they are special

Cocks with flo jackets and beacons thinking they are a wannabe emergency service.

The real heroes quietly get on with it.
Cocks with flo jackets and beacons thinking they are a wannabe emergency service.

i needed my flo jacket and beacon yesterday :D had to recover this off a very wet and busy m6 last night from a fellow owner that had snapped timing belt, make a note the aa can't recover nato hitched trailers

it was just a fluke chance that we stopped to see if we could help

Untitled by Ste_Nova, on Flickr

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