
Lord Hippo

LRO is about to do a buyers guide on Freelander 1's. They're looking for comments and info on what owners think of them. They've asked peeps on the LRO forum to comment. There's a fred over ere covering the topic:

deleted: original lro forum now closed

As we have on occasion mentioned on ere that LRO don't cover Freelanders much, I thought it would be good for us to help them with helpful comments. The original question is:

PeterS said:
Why is the Freelander 1 a good choice? What needs to be done to make it better off-road? Why did you choose a Freelander 1? LRO is after your thoughts on the Freelander 1 for a Buying Guide in an upcoming issue.

Post your comments on the Freelander 1, in any amount of detail, here and the best will be used alongside a photo of you and your vehicle in LRO [land rover owner magazine]

As I don't have a 3 door I can't advise on what they're like to drive with the roof oft. I've been in a 3 door, but the hard top roof was fitted. It would be good for someone to help with this:
PeterS said:
Does anyone here have a soft-top Freelander 1? An upcoming buying guide is looking at these and wondered if any owners could comment on what it's like to own and drive with the roof down?

Initially I was going to point them to the buyers guide we have over ere:


and my video to demo what none damaging stuff Freelanders can do oft road, over ere:

Bala 4x4 Land Rover Freelander 1 v6 Off Road

It would be good for other Freelanderers on ere to contribute. You can either post on their fred on their forum, or I will post it over there if yer not a member of their forum or don't want to join another forum, if yer asks me to in the post yer put on ere.

I will also point LRO to this fred.
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Just waiting to get my account activated there then I'll post my thoughts, of course we will be biased but even the neutral must agree that as with any car if the Freelander is cared for then it's a great vehicle and if used realistically it's a competent off roader, my off road excursions are few and far between in fact I have no real desire to go green laning or to one of those pay and play sites because it's my only car and I like it to look smart! Lol but at least I know that it will get me out of trouble if I do have to go off road for any reason or in severe weather, being a 3 door I have driven it locally with the back off and it was good fun although not having a shower cover/soft top I'm reluctant to go far with the top off because of security and our changeable weather.
From a background of driving Series, 90/Defender and a Disco1 I was initially sceptical about a Freelander but mine has been superb and although part of me still wants another Disco I'm more than happy with the Freelander and its frugality and reliability, and it isn't rusting before my eyes either! Lol

Anyone with a 3 door? What's it like with the roof removed? Does it mess yer hair up at speed? Do things blow out the boot above a certain speed? Does the soft roof flap about at speed? Difficult to fit or get water tight?
I had a three door petrol with a removable hard top. It was a fun thing, and drew a lot of looks with the top removed driving along. Am sure most people don't realise you can get a freelander with an open back.


It is vitally important to wind the ventilation blower up to at least warp 3, or you can get swamped with exhaust fumes (Mentions this in the owners manual).

Things can blow out of the back, and its important to make sure rear seat passengers are wearing seat belts.

If your taking friends out on a trip with the back down/removed make a point of stopping now and then so they can take a break from the exhaust fumes.

If you really didn't like your friends anyway, then don't stop, and use your Freelanders often underestimated off road abilities and find somewhere remote to bury the bodies.

No leaking problems with mine. Needs 2 people really to remove/replace the hard top.

50 odd seems the typical maps/papers/dogs etc blow out of the back speed.
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Anyone with a 3 door? What's it like with the roof removed? Does it mess yer hair up at speed? Do things blow out the boot above a certain speed? Does the soft roof flap about at speed? Difficult to fit or get water tight?

We've had the roof off a few times - good fun in good weather. Trouble is, it takes two to take it off and is awkward even then because of the roof rack. It's not so good security-wise if you park up, unless you have a dog guard and put all your stuff in the front.

If only the top slid or packed away somewhere in the car somehow we would have used it a lot more.

Speaking of the roof rack - not having a front cross-rail makes it pretty useless. I must knock one up one of these days...
Use both our three door Freelanders topless during summer both TD4s both have hard locking rear shelves so security not a problema also have the shower resistant covers for front and back seats, not that we have ever needed them.
Never noticed exhuast fumes in the cabin wonder if this only effects petrol.

With the front roof panels removed and the top of its a fun drive and eye catching not as noisy as you would think and your not as wind swept as some other convertibles my wife and daughter want me to buy another just in case.

My experience of Freelanders is a happy one even with the occasional drama, and I for one have found them more reliable than 110s I have owned .

My last long drive was from Castellon Espana to Tehran Iran in a 2003 TD4 with 130000 on the clock unmodified other than EGR ( 22mm end cap solution) and cyclone oil separator only problem broken droplink and I had spares. Averaged 37 to the gallon oil usage minimal and that includes some really rough roads.

I love Hippos really dont like 2s as much as 1s and prefer pre face lifts I know sound like an old fart thats cause I am
Don't what?
If you mean don't buy a Freelander it's a pretty stupid thing to say in a forum dedicated to Freelanders.

Think this portion of the site is more dedicated to Freelander faults to be honest.
Freelanders are made by Landrover with the same levels of quality control as all their other products. If Freelanders are **** then so are all other Landrovers!

Mmmm, Maybe you have a point there.
Freelanders are made by Landrover with the same levels of quality control as all their other products. If Freelanders are **** then so are all other Landrovers!

Mmmm, Maybe you have a point there.

Freelanders are Landrovers attempt at a front wheel drive car (Bit like the old Austin Maxi) with an after thought rear wheel drive capability. Over complicated heap of shit is what they are. And people wonder why they breakdown. :D:D
Freelanders were Landrovers attempt at a 4x4 for normal people.
Farmers, army, companies with extreme off road needs and masochistic dinosours bought Defenders.
The rich bought Discoverys and the very rich bought Range Rovers.
Freelanders were Landrovers attempt at a 4x4 for normal people.
Farmers, army, companies with extreme off road needs and masochistic dinosours bought Defenders.
The rich bought Discoverys and the very rich bought Range Rovers.

Does for normal people mean for the plebs? That's possibly the reason they are so crap normal people don't expect much. :D:D
simple ....DONT!!!!!

Freelanders are shit, end of story. :D:D:D
Europes bestist selling 4x4 for many years. That's a lot of people who are wrong. :p

Think this portion of the site is more dedicated to Freelander faults to be honest.
Dedicated to Freelandering, yes. That includes fixing, diagnosing, hints, tips and help to them's who need it. Enjoy. :)

Freelanders are Landrovers attempt at a front wheel drive car (Bit like the old Austin Maxi) with an after thought rear wheel drive capability. Over complicated heap of shit is what they are. And people wonder why they breakdown. :D:D
All LR vehicles break down. LR developed the FL to fill a gap in the market which had opened up. They sold lots of them and made lots of money out of it. that sounds like a success. They're only over complicated if yer can fix em. :p

Europes bestist selling 4x4 for many years. That's a lot of people who are wrong. :p

Dedicated to Freelandering, yes. That includes fixing, diagnosing, hints, tips and help to them's who need it. Enjoy. :)

All LR vehicles break down. LR developed the FL to fill a gap in the market which had opened up. They sold lots of them and made lots of money out of it. that sounds like a success. They're only over complicated if yer can fix em. :p

Far to over complicated for some of the plonkers who buy them if the forum is anything to go by. :D:D:D
Far to over complicated for some of the plonkers who buy them if the forum is anything to go by. :D:D:D
That's the fault of the internet. Too easy to search for the fault and try to fix it yerself as opposed to having to take it to a garage. Not everyone has a practice background and a tool box. It has been said before your one of the people who needs the most help. We have a few doctors on ere if you'd like to take up the offer. :p:D

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