
New Member
Hi All,

I recently purchased a brand new steering relay for my 1970 S2A , do they come ready to fit?
Do they need oiling first? Cant see where I'd fill it.
Any help is appreciated.

Remove 2 of the bolts holding the top on and fill with oil through one of them. The second one acts as a breather DO NOT REMOVE ALL FOUR BOLTS, doing this may lead to extensive NHS treatment. Relays are damned dangerous things if you don't know what you're doing :D
As above - it should be EP90. Good luck taking the old one out, they will either drop out easily or they will require the strength of Samson and the patience of Job. (and a lot of releasing fluid). I had to rebuild one in situ once because the barrel wouldn't come out.
Yup, me too. Ended up jacking the Landy up with the trolley jack foot on the bottom of the relay pin, and sledge hammering the chassis (wooden block sacrifices) to try to free it up. Mud and silt collect around the relay in the chassis former and set like concrete. There is a way to change the tufnol bushes in situ, but as Puddlejumper stated, get it wrong and several hundred pounds of angry spring pressure will try to remove your teeth (or the garage window in my case, long ago.....)
method ! has to be said they take an age for the oil to drain down due to the tight fitting parts, so much so you will be fooled into thinking its nice and topped up when it isnt. i dont know the exact capacity but it took 9 of these syringes, so just under 100ml. which is like half a water cooler plastic cup, quite a bit ! jacking the front end up and going lock to lock sped up the settling of new oil inbetween syringes

The earlier ones had a filler plug - why did they change? Was it supposed to be 'sealed for life'?
My steering relay was really stiff, to the point that the landy hardly self centred coming out of corners, I did mine over the course of days/weeks with dozens of shots from a 1ml syringe that came with my cats metacam, even with such a small dose, you would only get a few shots in before it overflowed and you had to leave it ages to permeate down.
So I take it that a new one needs filling up before use, I always thought they was pre filled now I know why mine in the past was always stiff as there was never any oil in it.

I am fitting a new Bearmach one soon so I will arm myself with a syringe and some ep90 and fill it when I've fitted it
I thought they did come filled as new?

If I was filling one out before fitting it, I would probably try putting it in a vise and very carefully slackening all 4 top bolts to see if I could get a gap to pour oil in rather than the rigmarole of filling through the bolt hole.
in my opinion its not even worth rationalising. try and put some oil in, worse that can happen is you waste 10 mins because its full

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