
New Member
Could anybody give me any advice on my old LPG system fited to my 2.5 petrol engine. The engine runs well, but when I switch onto LPG I seem to loose power after a minute or two, and nothing seems to happen when I accelerate. As soon as I flick back to petrol my landy resumes like normal. My water pump does leak and I have to top the system up every couple of weeks, if this could contribute to the problem. Any advice would be much appreicated like always. Thanks.
It might not be your problem but the diaphram inside the vaporiser has a limited life and should be regarded as a "consumable" to be replaced every so often.
I had one that worked fine on one car but then failed when fitted to another vehicle a while later.
A quick change for a new diaphram got it working again.
Also there is a drain on the bottom of the LPG side of the vaporiser to clean out any crud that might accumulate.

Paul Humphries
Thanks Paul, think the vapouriser is fairly new(less than a year) but when I think about it, it was working fine until I used it off road for the first time and covered everything in mud, so will give it a good clean, and take it from there, failing that I have a spare vaporiser that I may fit, if it doesnt go to plan. Thanks once again

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