
Well-Known Member
Hi all,
The p38 will be going back to Czech at some point this year and as lpg is only about 40p a litre, I'd like to fit it.
Looking on the bay, kits can be had for around 100 notes.
However, as I've never worked on one, how easy/difficulty are they to fit, and more importantly to set up?
It doesn't really warrant the cost if I have to have a new kit fitted.
I'm sure I can manage the mechanical fitting and wiring but it's the setup I'm not sure about.
Also, does it need to be certified? I'm guessing it does for insurance so are there people out there that will certify it?
Thanks in advance
why do you care about certification if its going abroad?
For two reasons.
1, because it will still be used in UK before it goes.
2, because if it has a legit UK paper, the Czech inspection becomes a formality inspection. If I don't have a cert, they will insist in fitting a new kit, with the cert, they just test what's there.
I am sure you can handle all the fitting, not sure if you intend to register the car In Czech.
Not sure what the registration rules are. But I would certainly get approval from an installer and get it on paper.
The cost will be worth the piece of paper.

And as for this comment

why do you care about certification if its going abroad?

You need to think a little bit more. Some of the regulations you might think are loose but others are tougher than the UK.
There’s a big world out here and you obviously need to try it some day.

Installation is the easy part....and it has to be installed in accordance with COP11 of the LPG installation code of practise (I have a copy at work - really need to scan it in for peeps to see!!)....this sepcifies minimum distances from certain parts of the vehicle, pipe type and sizes, routing, position of vap, tank mounting, filler location etc etc.....

It is the setup that is a pain....

If you browse www.lpgshop.co.uk (no affiliation) they provide numerous software for various different makes, and also sell interface leads for various makes of system too.....

Most LPG software comes with an auto-calibration setting, wher eyou run the engine at a pre-determined rpm and the system does various things and switches from LPG to petrol and back again while learning the different fuel maps etc....then this gives a basis to work on from there....the easiest I have seen to calibrate and setup is OMVL Dream XXI-N systems......Prins is one of the most complex....

Once you have it installed, you will need to have the installation checked by an LPG installer (usual charge is around £150) and they will inspect and register the vehicle on the LPG register for insurance purposes.....some places will even do the calibration and set up for you (for a fee) once you have done the install.
Hi all,
The p38 will be going back to Czech at some point this year and as lpg is only about 40p a litre, I'd like to fit it.
Looking on the bay, kits can be had for around 100 notes.
However, as I've never worked on one, how easy/difficulty are they to fit, and more importantly to set up?
It doesn't really warrant the cost if I have to have a new kit fitted.
I'm sure I can manage the mechanical fitting and wiring but it's the setup I'm not sure about.
Also, does it need to be certified? I'm guessing it does for insurance so are there people out there that will certify it?
Thanks in advance

My insurer wasn't at all interested in whether it had been "professionally fitted" and wasn't too concerned that it had an LPG option either.
YMMV of course. You may struggle to get a 2nd hand one "certified" by an installer.

Edit... Just seen @Saint.V8 's reply. He know more than I ever will on this. Ignore me.
i have the misfortune to observe several "professional" lpg installations and quite frankly they are quoting "eric" rubbish.
i have the misfortune to observe several "professional" lpg installations and quite frankly they are quoting "eric" rubbish.
Oh defo....some 'pro' installations are shocking.....the one on my baby bimmer is a bit hit and miss in places.

Regardless.....it still needs to be installed as per COP11 and only a registered LPG installer can register the vehicle on the LPG register.
My insurer wasn't at all interested in whether it had been "professionally fitted" and wasn't too concerned that it had an LPG option either.
YMMV of course. You may struggle to get a 2nd hand one "certified" by an installer.

Edit... Just seen @Saint.V8 's reply. He know more than I ever will on this. Ignore me.

I think you're right and not all insurers used to check. But given a leak can turn you into a Roman candle it is worth getting it checked for peace of mind if nothing else.
What about getting it listed on the v5c? My guy who imports the car onto Czech plates tells me that it would make it much easier to import if it was listed on the v5.
@Saint.V8 if you have a link to the relevant docs, I can put it in the Dropbox file for all to see.
What about getting it listed on the v5c? My guy who imports the car onto Czech plates tells me that it would make it much easier to import if it was listed on the v5.
@Saint.V8 if you have a link to the relevant docs, I can put it in the Dropbox file for all to see.

Cannot remember. Think you just inform them on the website but Saint will know. Or @MrGorsky
Changing the V5C by filling out section 7 of the document where it says type of fuel....put in LPG/Petrol and put alternative fuel in the taxation class......they will either a) send you a new cert or b) ask for more details....i.e. and installation cert.
Thanks all, plenty to think about.
One other thing I will need is original manufacturers documentation. Is this readily available from OVML if I go for the dream system? (if I can find one used that is!)
I linked a bunch of OMVL docs a few days ago for someone else.....I'll see if I can link
I think the most important bit regarding inspection these days is that it's put on the UKLPG vehicle register.

That's the UK trade body for LPG installers. It's a cabal designed to make money for its members, but lots of UK insurers insist its on the datatbase these days so getting it on there is important.

Last time I did an LPG install I got it checked by Tinley Tech for £60. They put it on the UKLPG database for me, and doing that also informed the DVLA that my car runs on gas too and I got sent a new V5C reflecting the change.

Either way it's easy least to fit and set up providing you have a laptop and the lead required to do it. If you buy a kit new, you'll get all that, if you get used gear like @Saint.V8 says you can buy any bits you need easy enough.

I have just rebuilt my reducer and injectors, but my laptop broke a week ago and now I can't tune my system so it's running a bit rough. As soon as I find a laptop that can run Windows XP I'll sort that out!!
One other thing, there is a age limit for the tanks.

After (I think) 12 years old they can not be certified, so check the age of the tank you're buying.... or you might have to buy a new one.
Thanks for all the answers.
All good info. I think I might buy a new system, looking at the prices on the site Saint linked, you can get a new front end for not much more than second hand.

I assume the same info all applies to the l322 BMW v8?
Trying to find one that already has it fitted but not found the right one yet.

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