
New Member
Hi All,

I've managed to get SWMBO to agree to a replacement cam, pushrods, rockers etc. plus anciliaries :D

However, I need to get the inlet off to inspect before I'm able to order the parts.

Not normally a problem, except I've got LPG and I've never dismantled one before :eek:

I'm planning on running it out of gas completely, and then disconnecting it at the red circle on the piccy, hopefully then lifting the relays etc off with the entire intake manifold.

Does this seem a sensible approach, or is it a big no-no (in which case, how do I get the manifold off!!)

I suspect I'll be posting a bit during this job, but I'll try to take pics as I go and do a write up - I can't find one on a cam replacement (which is what I think it will be).



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No need to run it out of gas,there are shut off solenoids in it ,one at tank and one on vapouriser,only a small amount of gas will escape from vapouriser to engine,wear gloves when you disconect it,just ease it off a little at a time till pressure drops.
Also if it's a multipoint injection don't muddle up the wires to the injectors.
Mine has a shut off tap on the tank. I can turn it off and on again from there to do work on it.

Plus yours is spaced a lot further apart from mine. Lol :):):)
cheers guys.

I knew it probably didn't need to be empty, but belt and braces eh!!

Fairly certain I don't have a shut off tap, but haven't actually looked tbh - I will do.

Good point on the wires for the relays, I'll try to unplug them as far up as I can (hopefully in a multiplug) but will def label them if not.

Hopefully get after it thursday evening, and then the shopping list....... (I get to go for a piper cam kit too!! i must've been well behaved :D )
The vapour lines aren't under much pressure compared to the feed line. Should be about 1 bar. However even though it's a relevantly short pipe and won't have much gas in it smoking while doing this job would be a bloody stupid thing to do
The vapour lines aren't under much pressure compared to the feed line. Should be about 1 bar. However even though it's a relevantly short pipe and won't have much gas in it smoking while doing this job would be a bloody stupid thing to do


How do you know me so well :D Just the sort of thing I'd do too!!!
I guess we're all done daft things. I was grinding a hole in my sill ready for a patch. I forgot my overalls got something flammable on em. Scorched my botty I did :5bblush5:

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