It takes so long to fill up on LPG its atleast twice as slow filling compared to petrol or diesel

Really? I wonder why.

LPG would be a total pain for me as I go back an forth to France every other week and (apart from having to fill up @ every service station on the way!) the LPG pumps on the continent are a different fitting. Plus they won't let you take LPG on the Chunnel if/when I go that way!

Still, the V8 is lovely! just not pratical for me :(

Hi mat
where did you finaly get your lpga certificate from
I live in leighton Buzzard not far from mk
hi mat
i know the place you mean. its at bow brickhill. i found him to be most obnoxous, did you get on ok with him.
glad you managed to find it, no wonder i couldnt as i wasnt looking in bow brickhill!
Unfortunately yes, thats how i found him, very up himself and a big know it all, but i couldnt find anyone else and i needed it asap so had no choice. Found the work to be good though
Glad it wasnt just me :) my p38 is at herts autogas at the moment having the front end multipoint sequential system fitted. i had already fitted the tanks 135 ltrs. 1x95 ltr + 1x40 ltr. they had a much more friendly attitude so they got the job. what type of system is fitted to yours
I am insured with Adrian Flux and they never asked for any of this. They said it was pointless trying to list all the modifications as it is a hybrid.

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