He put them on mine, I don't know how many years ago now, and not had any problems with them, and they are still working fine, I did look on line but didn't have much luck
Sorted this issue lads. The previous owner of this beautiful girl should never be allowed near another Land Rover for as long as he lives! So many things have been bodged and the thermostat was no exception. It had been taken out and bent open with a screwdriver for some reason. So that's fixed now and the engine gets up to temperature as expected. Not much left on the list now!
Sorted this issue lads. The previous owner of this beautiful girl should never be allowed near another Land Rover for as long as he lives! So many things have been bodged and the thermostat was no exception. It had been taken out and bent open with a screwdriver for some reason. So that's fixed now and the engine gets up to temperature as expected. Not much left on the list now!
Make sure the viscous fan is good.
I might have been a bit rash and whilst the radiator was off to get to the thermostat, I might have taken the viscous fan out and conducted the air con fan mod. I'll find out if that works come spring time. I live in the North of Scotland and so I don't think it'll be an issue.
I couldn't find a way to get to the bolts without removing it. I tried loosening it and just pulling it forward an inch or two but I gave up in the end and just lifted it up. Not a big job really, in the end.
True better than damaging it with a spanner.
I got pics here somewhere when I opened it expecting no stat in there, takes bout ten minutes with 10mm I believe and 13mm to move the loom across the front ?
The securing bolts on the bottom were completely rusted in on mine and so it was more like 30 minutes but, as you say, better then causing accidental damage by trying to sneak in behind it in situ.
I might have been a bit rash and whilst the radiator was off to get to the thermostat, I might have taken the viscous fan out and conducted the air con fan mod. I'll find out if that works come spring time. I live in the North of Scotland and so I don't think it'll be an issue.
Aircon fans mod kept mine cool in 42C last summer:D

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