
New Member
Hi all,

I've got an 00 TD4 which, up until recently, server me very well.

I've had an issue with the MAF which i've now resolved (thanks to thie forum for that).

My main problem now is that when I push the accelerator pedal with anything more than a 'gentle' push, I get a 'THUD' in the ass. You feel it more than you hear it, but it's easily audible. It seems to come from about a foot or so behind the driver (length wise) and central (width ways) and certainly below the floor.

It's not a 'now and again' thing...it's permament and you can exagerrate it by feathering the throttle (at any speed) without the clutch depressed...This gives a 'THUD' ing sensation everytime the throttle is depressed.

Any ideas welcome - however, I reserve the right to be annoyed if any of them are expensive. ;-)

BTW - I'm not too technical - so you'll have to guide me along with "next to the big yellow flat thing" rather than "oil cap". ;-)

Its probly just a bush on the rear diff,or the VCU. so no panic;)

Just take it to the Garage and they will change yer rear diff,... Viscous coupling
(the big round bit in the middle underneth) and yer IRD, Bout 5k should see it sorted:eek:

Welcome Timl :D
mondo said:
Its probly just a bush on the rear diff,or the VCU. so no panic;)

Just take it to the Garage and they will change yer rear diff,... Viscous coupling
(the big round bit in the middle underneth) and yer IRD, Bout 5k should see it sorted:eek:

Welcome Timl :D

Thanks for the welcome...Although I understand from some of your other posts that you're a nut case...;)

So - is it a garage job and ask them to remove the tree or bush whatever it is from the round bit underneath (isn't that the wheels?)...
timl said:
Thanks for the welcome...Although I understand from some of your other posts that you're a nut case...;)

So - is it a garage job and ask them to remove the tree or bush whatever it is from the round bit underneath (isn't that the wheels?)...

NUT CASE!!!!!:eek: :D

Howd you tell that then?????:rolleyes:
have you checked that the boot is empty, my missus has a habit of leavingthig like feckin great plant pots in my boot then you pull off and bang, what the **** was that ;)
timl said:
Thanks for the welcome...Although I understand from some of your other posts that you're a nut case...;)


you are quite right, mondo minge and mark the slurry are all feckin crazy ;)
Hi Timl and welcome . . . the Mondo and the Slurry put a slight stain on the gaylander bit but we have a policeman called Zip that keeps them on the straight and narrow [clips um round the ear] however i have to agree with my fellow colleague Mondo rear bush or vcu problem, you'll probably get a load of pics through showing you what they look like, so Earthling ,best oh luck. . . :)
Welcome and here's a dose of normality - Rear diff bush. Its at the front of the rear diff if you slide underneath. Try and push the diff upwards at the front - if it moves - its the bush. 30 min job and 3 bolts. New bush is about £30 from dealer. Grab a spanner and have a go if you like - quite easy to do.
I did like Yella's post about the plant pots in the back, that did make me laugh.

As for the problem you describe the rear bushes are a doddle to change and do cause a knock on pull away, dont panic it shouldnt be too expensive.

Ohh and yes some of these guys are nutters, helpfull nutters all the same.

tinytdi said:
Welcome and here's a dose of normality - Rear diff bush. Its at the front of the rear diff if you slide underneath. Try and push the diff upwards at the front - if it moves - its the bush. 30 min job and 3 bolts. New bush is about £30 from dealer. Grab a spanner and have a go if you like - quite easy to do.

I'll go and give it a shove now...hopefully the missus wont come back and assume i've run myself over.

Although going by one of the posters comments about his wife leaving plant pots...;)
:eek: Not too sure what i'm supposed to being giving a shove to be honest.

I've got some pictures which i'll link to...First is the car, second is a photo from the same side as the first but pointing underneath and at the middle.

The third is from the rear underneath.

I assumed that it was the big chuny black thing in the middle of the second picture....but didn't want to shove it too hard in case not!

All help gratefully received.


Thats your VCU tim.
follow that bit back and you come to the rear diff.(clunky bit);)
BTW. Thats a bloody good oil leak mate, you should get it sorted

good look!

Nice pics :p
Nice guy that Zippy.and as he says ,first port oh call is the rear bushes, get um checked . . :)
Aww..looks a bit like Tiny!
yeah..follow the prop shaft right to the back and it will end up at the rear diff. It kinda shaped like a big alloy pear. If you grab it at the front (where the shaft comes out) and try and push it towards the underneath of the car it should not move - if it does you will see the play in the rubber bush.
mondo said:
Thats your VCU tim.
follow that bit back and you come to the rear diff.(clunky bit);)
BTW. Thats a bloody good oil leak mate, you should get it sorted

good look!

Nice pics :p

Owwww! So i've got an oil leak too? Grrrr.

Where should I start to look for the leak - or am I best getting my local dealer to rip me off? ;)

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