To get as many people who are looking for help away from this joke of a forum.

The guy is worried about his car which has just broken and all you can do is insult him.
Maybe you should just help him out?
Or will that not make you feel all big and special inside?

how offensive! you - arbiter of good taste and decency, didnt even realise that she, i repeat, SHE was a member of the opposite species :mad:.

Now i might have blinked and missed it, but I dont see many of your posts being helpful - just negative and anti social - touche?

as for being insulting - none of that was insulting, merely a light hearted joshing - insulting is when i tell you to****-off-n-die.jpg
Thanks for all your sensible comments. I just thought that someone else may have had the same problem with their discovery as I have. I will have to get a mobile mechanic round to have a look, as the car will not drive.
Thanks again to those that helped, and I will let u know how I get on.
welcome back :)
this isnt yo average "post a problem and wait a week for a reply" site
there is a huge amount of help available, including locals willing to pop around and see what they can do do - but if you ask a dumb Q - expect to be told it.
Dont, what ever you do go into the "anything goes" section - you will be horrified.

As for your problem, we could do with more info, but it does sound like the drive plate - but you were told that within 22 minutes! - not a bad time frame really?
we do have a lot of peeps that dont introduce themselves - you wouldnt go to a new job or a club without saying "hello" - its ony a polite thing to do - is it not?

now as a member of the weaker sex, you should be good at picking up on reading between the lines, so why dont you try and help yourself??? this is not a charity or a professional site - so if you want some help, I suggest you ignore the joshing, put on a flac jacket and wait for the helpful bits.

this "joke" of a forum helps many folk every day and the op did get an answer as to what may be wrong, don't let the door hit you on the way out! stroppy bloody noobs again.:violent::mad:


My join date, April 2008

Your join date April 2011

Maybe learn maths eh?

Trust me, Ill be bolting the door closed from the outside to make sure none of you can get out.

My join date, April 2008

Your join date April 2011

Maybe learn maths eh?

Trust me, Ill be bolting the door closed from the outside to make sure none of you can get out.

not read the fred but Bigsi's right, 13 posts does indeed qualify you as a noob :p;)

irrespective of your join date
I agree date joined don't count for squat. There are peolpe on this forum who have had more input in a day than you've had in your 4 years, of membership.

Are you one of those peeps who takes 2hrs to get undressed and another hr to get ready for bed, and then claim you once had sec for 3 hrs and 10 seconds??

My join date, April 2008

Your join date April 2011

Maybe learn maths eh?

Trust me, Ill be bolting the door closed from the outside to make sure none of you can get out.

13 posts since 2008!!! And your still getting your arse wipped by senior members. I'm struggling to reach 1000, but at least I try. And your calling others knobs!!
did the poor sweet pussy ever get her loud noise & no action sorted,

all gorn as quiet as a stuffed blow up doll


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