Sorry forget to add that the free collection service offered by the garage is if the car is driveable, which unfortunately mine is not.

Thanks for the continuing suggestions
Join a recovery firm with home start.. 2gether 2gether (I think their called ) are pretty cheap for full package, then idedpect them to get you to a garage?

But still I'd try some mobile auto electrition/remappers try and ditch the immobiliser and re code/lose the code off the ecu..

It can't be that difficult, I mean howdid peoples steel these when they were newish without the key/s...
Surely all she needs to do is get the car to the dealer and have it out with them as to what Owl has said. She doesn't need a new ecu if he Is right, and why go to the extra expense and loss of security by removing the immobiliser from the car.
Surely all she needs to do is get the car to the dealer and have it out with them as to what Owl has said. She doesn't need a new ecu if he Is right, and why go to the extra expense and loss of security by removing the immobiliser from the car.

Have yu ever tried arguing with a main dealer with "my mate on forum xxxx says you dont know what your talking about"?
Surely all she needs to do is get the car to the dealer and have it out with them as to what Owl has said. She doesn't need a new ecu if he Is right, and why go to the extra expense and loss of security by removing the immobiliser from the car.

Let's look at the situation, if you had this issue would you rather spend a bucket of cash on just getting back to where you were?? Prob not as neither would any of us we all want something for our cash, so if a remapper can sort this whilst giving them some extra economy and performance ( which we are always banging on about on LZ) then your getting something for your money fixing the car is secondary...

The immob I'm guessing will prob need removing in this situation I'd say without it costing and arm and a leg to sort and be fightback where she was before loosing the key..

In the real world let's face it what's the likely hood of anyone ever really trying to nick the freebie anyway it happens yes but is it really that common, prob not..
75quid they charge for it that has to be your cheapest option and their fairly local might charge you a call out also but should get you up and running....
Let's look at the situation, if you had this issue would you rather spend a bucket of cash on just getting back to where you were?? Prob not as neither would any of us we all want something for our cash, so if a remapper can sort this whilst giving them some extra economy and performance ( which we are always banging on about on LZ) then your getting something for your money fixing the car is secondary...

The immob I'm guessing will prob need removing in this situation I'd say without it costing and arm and a leg to sort and be fightback where she was before loosing the key..

In the real world let's face it what's the likely hood of anyone ever really trying to nick the freebie anyway it happens yes but is it really that common, prob not..

I suppose so but hasn't she just paid for a new key from dealer at x amount. Be interesting to know, and yeah who's going to nick a freelander when they can have a nice easy fender.
This thread amazes me.

Lost keys are a common occurrence and from what the wise man says there's no need to change ECUs or any other xCU you care to mention. No need to have a remap or remove immobilisers - sounds like bloody mad to me.

Get on the phone to Land Rover and f***g shout at them that their local representative "dealer" are causing you a huge amount of grief and being b***y stupid w***kers. Sort them out. Tell them to call you back when they have roasted them and you can get your car taken along to them to have the key/car coded.

Done, sit back with a drink and wait for the phone to ring - you might get an apology and an offer of free transport for the car, although I doubt it.
This thread amazes me.

Lost keys are a common occurrence and from what the wise man says there's no need to change ECUs or any other xCU you care to mention. No need to have a remap or remove immobilisers - sounds like bloody mad to me.

Get on the phone to Land Rover and f***g shout at them that their local representative "dealer" are causing you a huge amount of grief and being b***y stupid w***kers. Sort them out. Tell them to call you back when they have roasted them and you can get your car taken along to them to have the key/car coded.

Done, sit back with a drink and wait for the phone to ring - you might get an apology and an offer of free transport for the car, although I doubt it.

Ull be lucky over eer, ull be luck if LR even speak to us minions..

i agree totally in what ur saying

give the manager a roasting as he sold the keys and not fit for purpose, whats the point in selling something that simply doesnt work

he is the service manager and there will be someone higher up than him

just to on there twitter or facebook page, that will liven things up abit

and all the time shes without her car, terrible service and also trying to rip her off

when i spoke to my dealer they couldn't believe the poor service and explain in detail or what it costs,

it should just be the activation key to plug it into the testbook

hopefully it gets all sorted out as i know for one wouldn't allow them to get away with it
Well, there are a lot of interesting suggestions, thank you.

Just to clarify, I was extremely p****d off with the service manager and told him so in no uncertain terms. His response was that LR are complex vehicles and that he had spoken to his senior mechanic who had confirmed the new ECU would be needed. The service manager agreed that I should have been told about the ECU before I purchased the key and fob but, as I would need them anyway to drive the car, he did not agree they were a waste of money.

I have spoken to LR themselves three times and they were no use whatsoever. Customer Services simply referred me back to the garage, stating that technicians do not speak to members of the public.

When I pushed matters Customer Services eventually rang the dealers. Following that conversation Customer Services then told me the dealers had said I need a new lock set.

It's a complete load of twaddle.
Try another dealers, maybe at least you can get the correct code from them?, but i think if it was me I'd get the bypass done for now at least and keep complaining at them until they sort it out..
Hi sorry you are getting mucked about by the dealers if you want a straight answer contact mike Aitken 4x4 in ladybank in fife I know he is too far from you but he may know someone who can help
Try Norbert or Sue at Freelander Specialists in Norfolk. They are close to you. Worth a phone call.

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