UPDATE!! I've learnt the hard way not to trust the fuel gauge!! After a short walk to the garage and a couple of gallons of desiel later the landy is running again!
It's pretty embarrassing and I feel like a bit of an idiot but thanks for the help!

UPDATE!! I've learnt the hard way not to trust the fuel gauge!! After a short walk to the garage and a couple of gallons of desiel later the landy is running again!
It's pretty embarrassing and I feel like a bit of an idiot but thanks for the help!

:) Well, I reckon anyone who hasn't run out fuel at some point in their driving career has probably been very lucky, or had a butler to fuel their car up for them:D

I ran out many many years ago, :mad: when I was in the sixth form at school - had to walk about 5 miles home for a can, get some fuel, and then back to the bl@@dy car ! Strangely, it hasn't happened since :)

Glad you're running again, but it's worth having a nosy at the lift pump and sedimenter to make sure they don't let you down in the future :)

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