I work all day till about 5, gonna squeeze mine into 16 foot by 12 shed up the allotment, think Ill need a generator too.
I drove past an identical ‘87 OneTen CSW in white at Newbury 4x4 centre today, it looked gorgeous. Keep it original!
I drove past an identical ‘87 OneTen CSW in white at Newbury 4x4 centre today, it looked gorgeous. Keep it original!
Would love to keep it original will see what the doors are like when it comes. Should have been here tomorrow but gonna be one day next week.
Just up the road annfield plain
Ah yes I remember now seen your pickups outside. Its coming Tuesday your welcome to come and have a look, unless its a pile of rusty scrap then ill be to embarrassed to show anyone,:(
Got a bit more info on my purchase today from the seller, he does not know much about landys himself but he was asked by a neighbour to sell this one as it was just sitting in a barn where there was a house clearance,on some country estate in Essex as the previous owner of it had started to repair but for some reason or other had to stop then moved away. he says just about all the parts are there but there is some I cant see on the photos although all the major ones seem to be, ill find out when it arrives.
Is there a way to contact previous owner from name on log book.
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Got a bit more info on my purchase today from the seller, he does not know much about landys himself but he was asked by a neighbour to sell this one as it was just sitting in a barn where there was a house clearance,on some country estate in Essex as the previous owner of it had started to repair but for some reason or other had to stop then moved away. he says just about all the parts are there but there is some I cant see on the photos although all the major ones seem to be, ill find out when it arrives.
Is there a way to contact previous owner frim name on log book.
Do they not put the name and address of PO on the document? Mine has it. Or, is it on when you get the replacement full document from DVLC?
Good luck with the parts, sounds like it should all be there. Looks like the PO was seriously intending to get it all back together, so if it was there when he stripped it, then it should be there now with a little luck. As with every rebuild, you'll have to repair or replace a fair few bits.
There's no saying that it was sold with the actual owners permission? How long had it been in someone's barn before they decided to sell it?
Not sure of the Full story but from what ive heard so far it was the original owner or his wife that asked for it to be sold.
Will find out soon enough though.

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