
Crazier than a box of frogs on acid
Evening all.

(edit : should add its a 53 plate discovery 2)

Short of smashing a window how the hell do I get into my disco????
Making this as short as possible....
So, the key fob did work, then started being intermittent, then wouldn't work at all and had to use my eka code to unlock it.
So for the last few weeks have been using the key to lock and unlock it.

However get back into the yard tonight to go home. Put the key in the door and bugger all happens either way. Tried lubricating the lock. Holding it either position. Nothing

Had to get the missus to come pick me up and leave the truck at work. :mad:

I have been meaning the pull the headlining and look into why the receiver for the fob isn't working but never did anything about it.

So now in the predicament of do I smash the window or not.

Hoping one of you lovely people might have an answer of another way in. Can the lock on the drivers door be persuaded to work somehow? I don't know. Forum searches are very vague understandably.

Cheers in advance.
Evening all.

(edit : should add its a 53 plate discovery 2)

Short of smashing a window how the hell do I get into my disco????
Making this as short as possible....
So, the key fob did work, then started being intermittent, then wouldn't work at all and had to use my eka code to unlock it.
So for the last few weeks have been using the key to lock and unlock it.

However get back into the yard tonight to go home. Put the key in the door and bugger all happens either way. Tried lubricating the lock. Holding it either position. Nothing

Had to get the missus to come pick me up and leave the truck at work. :mad:

I have been meaning the pull the headlining and look into why the receiver for the fob isn't working but never did anything about it.

So now in the predicament of do I smash the window or not.

Hoping one of you lovely people might have an answer of another way in. Can the lock on the drivers door be persuaded to work somehow? I don't know. Forum searches are very vague understandably.

Cheers in advance.
Did you try the key in the back door ??
With some fiddling and luck you can open it without braking anything, you can try with a thin but solid stick to push the central locking dash switch first through that gap

Thank you for the replies so far all.

Unfortunately there isn't a keyhole in the boot door. Unless it's hidden under the land rover badge on the handle? Although I'm pretty sure there isn't as I've been under it before to lubricate the door handle in the past.

With some fiddling and luck you can open it without braking anything, you can try with a thin but solid stick to push the central locking dash switch first through that gap

Cheers for this suggestion! I did wonder if this was possible without bending something. The door tops do seem somewhat flimsy when the door is open.
I will watch the video and give it a go later on. Got plenty of thin solid bits of bar in the workshop.

I'll let you know how I get on :)
If a member of AA, RAC or such...give them a shout. Most of our guys had mis-spent youths and can get into the majority of cars :D
(except the newer ones with deadlocks :()
I had a little play with mine today.
No, as said above, there is no tailgate or rear door keyhole.:rolleyes:
And, am I am prepared to be corrected on this, when I action the door lock with my metal key I think it makes an electrical contact to open the doorlock, not a mechanical one as such.
So I'd be tempted to say such a contact is not being made.
So this could be down to a low battery or maybe damp or dirt on the contacts.
So maybe a squirt of WD40 into the lock, followed if necessary by a hot air gun or somesuch?
Anyway, best of luck.
However you get the door open you'll want to sort it out ASAP to stop this happening again.
Well I got in.... And now on the market for a new piece of glass for the rear passenger door. :mad:

Anyone know of a breaker going? :rolleyes:

I did try the trick mentioned above and managed to get a bar in through a gap in the top of the door to prod the unlock and lock button on the dash but it did nothing.

Tried wire to pull handles and hooks to pull on things but nothing worked so just gave up after an hour and smashed a window. Got in. Then disconnected the battery so the alarm wasn't going off constantly

Now I had the drivers door open. I could start dismantling it. To get the lock/latch mechanism out I did have to remove the window frame on top of the door. Maybe you can do it without this step but it was raining and also dark and couldn't be arsed with too much fiddling.

Turns out there is a thin piece of metal that goes from the lock barrel into an electronic switch at the top of the lock/latch mechanism.
This silly piece of metal had broken meaning turning the key did nothing. Looks like it's cheap chinese monkey metal.

Once I got the latch lock mechanism out of the door I put some weight on the bonnet switch, shut the latch on the mechanism so the truck thought the door was shut but the door was still open then I could reconnect the battery and the car thought it was locked again.

Then proceeded to enter my eka code with a screwdriver in the lock/latch mechanism.

And voilĂ . I can start and drive my truck again.

Cheers for all your suggestions everyone. And do hope this helps someone in the future. Especially when you don't have breakdown cover. :rolleyes:o_O
Well I got in.... And now on the market for a new piece of glass for the rear passenger door. :mad:

Anyone know of a breaker going? :rolleyes:

I did try the trick mentioned above and managed to get a bar in through a gap in the top of the door to prod the unlock and lock button on the dash but it did nothing.

Tried wire to pull handles and hooks to pull on things but nothing worked so just gave up after an hour and smashed a window. Got in. Then disconnected the battery so the alarm wasn't going off constantly

Now I had the drivers door open. I could start dismantling it. To get the lock/latch mechanism out I did have to remove the window frame on top of the door. Maybe you can do it without this step but it was raining and also dark and couldn't be arsed with too much fiddling.

Turns out there is a thin piece of metal that goes from the lock barrel into an electronic switch at the top of the lock/latch mechanism.
This silly piece of metal had broken meaning turning the key did nothing. Looks like it's cheap chinese monkey metal.

Once I got the latch lock mechanism out of the door I put some weight on the bonnet switch, shut the latch on the mechanism so the truck thought the door was shut but the door was still open then I could reconnect the battery and the car thought it was locked again.

Then proceeded to enter my eka code with a screwdriver in the lock/latch mechanism.

And voilĂ . I can start and drive my truck again.

Cheers for all your suggestions everyone. And do hope this helps someone in the future. Especially when you don't have breakdown cover. :rolleyes:o_O
Sorry you had to break a window. but glad you got the situation sorted out so you could drive it.
And thanks a lot for putting it up here so we can all learn from it.:):):)
Try this guy for replacement window
Discovery 2 Parts
Quality Used and New Parts & Accessories

Call Paul on
01206 211623 - office
07828 278465
07760 955966
07840 428888
Sorry you had to break a window. but glad you got the situation sorted out so you could drive it.
And thanks a lot for putting it up here so we can all learn from it.:):):)

Pretty gutted I had to break a window too but also glad in a way I know what needs fixing without having to call someone out.

And do hope this can help someone in future. Obviously knowing your eka code definitely helps so if you have a D2 and don't know it get it read as soon as you can. Anyone with the appropriate tools can do this for you and it's 100% worth whatever it costs to get it.

Try this guy for replacement window
Discovery 2 Parts
Quality Used and New Parts & Accessories

Call Paul on
01206 211623 - office
07828 278465
07760 955966
07840 428888

Cheers for that. I'll give him a call next week and see if he has what I need. :)

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