
New Member
Hi, apologies to anyone whos already seen this query on alt.fan.landrover, I got no response so I guess no-one knew, so I thought I'd try here.

Does anyone know whether the oil pressure switch on a Rover 3.5 V8 should be located before or after the oil filter (ie between the pump and the filter or between the filter and the main oil gallery). I have a remote oil filter fitted using a replacement pump cover which has the switch between the pump and the filter, but it doesn't seem to be reliably made (it also has a 1.5mm hole between the oil filter send and return which looks like a pilot drill went too far...), and it would make more sense to me to have it after the filter.

Does anyone know for sure- unfortunately I don't have an original pump cover to look at!


Standing at the front of the car you wil find the oil pressure switch should be down on the left hand side of the oil pump slightly above the filter. The sender is located at the top above the filter.

Thanks for the info 8..., confirms what I thought. Charlotte, thanks for the reply but I have a remote oil filter up on the wing with a non standard pump cover taking the oil to it. I know where the switch is, I was trying to work out where it should be in terms of position in the oil flow circuit :).

Oil pressure switches are fitted after the filter 'cos if the filter blocks you would be getting pressure but potentially no flow.
While your doing the job possibly worth fitting a Tee so that you can fit a pressure guage as well - not essential but often nice to know what the pressure is doing.
Yes, that's why I was surprised when I saw the switch was before the filter on mine- just wanted to check that it wasn't normal on the RR V8 for some reason! Had a dodgy old oil pressure gauge in the same place before the filter which came up with the usual range of very low readings, I'm replacing it with an unused one which I had lying around, up on the wing just after the filter where it'll keep fairly clean. It's 0-100psi, electric rather than capillary but has a non linear gauge so the expected 0-30psi readings (if I'm lucky) will cover rather more of the dial than they would on a linear one.

Unless anyone knows where to get a 0-60psi or thereabouts gauge? Oil pressure gauges seem to be like hens teeth these days, and as for adaptors to fit them- nightmare. Took me about a week to find them at a sensible price, ended up getting most of the bits from a pneumatics supplier!

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