Oh my where does the oil go
I think that a leaking turbo seal should do the smoke thing more than just after an oil change for a period, what is happening really
sounds like a turbo seal but it would, I think, continue to repeat the same anytime you upped the vehicle on a freeway.
I have seen turbo seal leaks on an old SAAB 99 turbo and what had happened was the oil leaked into the exhaust side "pooled" in the front section of the exhaust and would not burn until the driver gave it the hurry up and sufficient exhaust temps were generated and the higher exhaust temp would vaporise the accumulated oil all in one go, heaps of white smoke, and it is white smoke, the colour of the smoke depends on where/how the oil is burnt and the temperature it is burning at, oil burnt within the cylinders in small quantities will more likely show as the classic blue, it is burning, oil combusted at lower temperature tends to vaporise more than burn, to burn it needs oxygen, a rare commodity in exhaust gas, that vapour shows as white smoke. Oil "pools" in an area of the exhaust system, and it needs not be a lot, it does not vaporise until the temp in that section of the exhaust gets hot enough.
The only reasonably non-invasive way to check for oil carryover would be to remove the exhaust pipe at the turbo and check for oil present, maybe to confirm or otherwise eliminate that area.
And as others have already said, if your engine was ingesting it's own engine oil whilst blowing that amount of smoke you would have the "runaway" situation and you would be aware of that situation. I had an early Golf diesel that ingested its own engine oil a few times before I re-ringed the engine and believe me it is flat chat both feet on the brake pedal and no way to shut it down until the oil is gone through. You could try putting a "catch can" into the crankcase breather circuit to eliminate that possibility.
No idea what your Turbo oil drains are like on that engine but I have a mate who is a BMW master tech and he has told me a lot of the new BMW turbo diesels are having issues with carbonated oil blocking the turbo drain lines causing big problems.
I wish you well with your search, if you find out what is wrong and causing your smoke, I'd be keen to hear.
I have another mate with a 2007 RR Sport that is fitted with a V8 Diesel, so far no problems but your result may help him out some day if his RR has similar issues.