hi i dont no what its meant to feel like when driving as i brought it with the clutch slave gone. i have a replacement turbo on the auto freelander its almost off just have to wiggle it out as done it with the ird in place. does the turbo look gone to you? there is also no oil in the exhaust side
hi there i got my auto freelander today so set out the change the turbos over but when taken apart my turbo the when with blue smoke im not sure is the turbo has gone or not as there isnt alot of oil around or in the turbo. the pic of the cold air in had oil in it but the oil is coming from the breather pipe that gos to the rocker cover i think. what do you gays think has it gone or not?

How the hell did you know our sexual preference?????????

According to the trattors you're 100% accurate.
But then they're stupid enough to think driving a 50 year old design tractor makes them more macho. o_O
can anyone tell me if my turbo looks gd seal wise? there is no free play and no oil on the hot side but i did find oil comming out the breather pipe that gos on the cold side pipe
but i did find oil comming out the breather pipe that gos on the cold side pipe
breather pipe ????? .. on a vnt turbo ???
( not ever seeing the turbo firsthand .. i could be wrong ..
( but only have heard of a 'wastegate' .. and a vnt turbo don't have one of those afaik
( never have heard .. or read about a 'breather pipe' ..
are you sure it's not either the oil feed .. or oil return ( to sump ) pipe ..
hi thanks for the reply i could be wrong but its not the oil pipes its a pipe that looks like it gos to the rocker crank breather here is a couple pics to see it better. the first pic is the cold air pipe that gos from the air box to the turbo and on the side of that pipe is the hole where i think is a breather pipe gos on


  • freelander cold pipe.jpg
    freelander cold pipe.jpg
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  • freelander breather pipe.jpg
    freelander breather pipe.jpg
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It's connected to the breather valve to take away any oil fumes in the crankcase. Could be your breather valve is stuck or the filter that sits next to it is blocked. This is meant to take out most of the oil from the fumes from the crankcase. If it is blocked it pressurises the crankcase and you get blow by through the turbo seals. Not good as this can damage the bearings in the turbo. The valve and filter sit on top of the rocker cover just under the injector wiring loom. BMW redesigned the breather system using a cyclone, but LR didn't bother to introduce the change. It's a common upgrade for TD4 owners to fit the replacement. Your turbo looks clean enough so you may have saved it from any damage should this be the cause of the smoking.
but its not the oil pipes its a pipe that looks like it gos to the rocker crank breather here is a couple pics to see it better.
koool :) .. learned something new today ..
i've only seen turbos as fitted .. and never got a good view of the turbo on the td4
nor ever seen any turbo off an engine 'n on the workbench .. ( apart from google pics )
hi thanks for the reply so you think the turbo still looks good? the crank breather was blocked before and blow its oil out of the dip stick so i changed the filter for the crank breather the old one was sticky it stuck to my glove lol so that was well gone. so if the breather valve was stuck could the oil run straight throught the breather pipe into the turbo?
how do i check if the breather valve is working properly? what i done today was removed all intercooler pipes and inter cooler to clean them out but i didnt take off the pipe that gos round the back of the engine as dont no how its bolted on, all the pipes had oil in them some more then others the one with abit like dripping out was the one going round the back of the engine the intercooler didnt have that much in prob 5ml, but the breather pipe that gos to the breather valve i put my finger in there and my finger was covered in oil, so would you say the breather valve wa stuck?
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It always does have a bit of oil in it, this is why the other pipes get oiled up. If you've had a blocked filter in the past it could be that the turbo has had a bit of damage. If it's the first time you've taken a look it could be residue of the blocked filter. The one going round the back is the breather valve feed to the turbo I think. The valve monitors the pressure of the crankcase to determine how the turbo vanes are set or something like that. It too would get oily with a blocked filter. You could buy the upgrade with a new valve for about £50, but this may not be the cause of your blue smoking as such. As you've got the turbo off anyway why not do a swap with the other one? You've done all the hard work anyway getting it off! Upgrading the breather as well will mean less hassle when you service the car (no filter to change). Some say the change is permanent, but others supposedly "in the Know" reckon it lasts for three oil changes before needing replacement. Depends whether you are a Landyman or BMW officianado probably!
hi thanks for your reply well i dont think the turbo is damaged as i only got 5 to 10 ml out of the whole system so today i cleaned all pipes, intercooler, egr valve, and inlet man, and allso changed the breather valve to the other one from the other engine but put a new filter in, put turbo back together and i all so changed the injector wiring harness as the one in mine was breaking down as my one on the other engine caused it to put out white smoke not alot tho. i might do the upgrade at some point just wont to get it running gd first, i will test it tomorrow as dark and late now so will update tomorrow
just an update, once i put it all back together started her up got to 2000 rpm again started smoking so i went all out and took the head off and turns out valve seals leaking, i didnt have time to sort it but a friend of mine was interested init so i sold it to him yesterday for £500

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