
New Member

Thus far you guys have saved me a fortune and kept a 99 Disco Auto roadworthy...

Anyway, the next challenge is as follows.... The car has lost all drive, exactly as if the clutch cable had broken on a manual car. There were no bangs and crashes, and literally it was as if the engine was turned off.

The AA brought it home and it currently sits there unable to move. I've tried high and low ratio, forward and reverse, but it still has no movement. The only thing to add is that when at maximum revs both the "Manual" and "Sports" dashboard lights come on.

What didn't help was that the other half and I were due to take it to Cornwall for a few weeks the day after, along with the dogs.... However we've had to come down in her HR-V, which was a tad cramped, and somewhat frought as I've had "Told you to get rid", "How much will that cost ?", and "Always hated that car" numerous times !!!

Any advice would be gratefull received - About the car not her ladyship please - I know what to do there !!!

First thing to check is gearbox fluid level and condition.

Once that's been done, you can start looking at other areas to investigate.

Next is to go onder the car (ENGINE STOPPED AND WHEELS BLOCKED!) and watch the gear shift quadrant while someone in the car moves the gear-selector to and fro.

If you are VERY lucky the cable may have come off or be broken.

Put the gear-lever in P and make sure the quadrant on the box is adjusted as far forwards as it will go. This is vital.

Then check gearbox fluid level with engine STOPPED. It should be plenty high.

If it isn't these, it sounds like a brake-band has slipped due to wear.
Again, if you were very lucky it might adjust and run a whole longer.

Try these easy things first.

After that it's probably not good news.

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A mates Auto Disco broke a half-shaft at the rear with exactly the same symptoms. Usually you'd hear something break or grind when it's trying to move, but his didn't ... just thought it might be worth checking .. put the centre diff lock on and try driving it .. if it moves at all then it's possibly a half-shaft ...
What mileage has it covered ? it may just be your XYZ switch totally mullered and sending the gearbox into total 'disconnect' mode. I have a spare to try which occasinally does go into 'limp home mode' which does keep the drive.
Next is to go onder the car (ENGINE STOPPED AND WHEELS BLOCKED!) and watch the gear shift quadrant while someone in the car moves the gear-selector to and fro.

Then check gearbox fluid level with engine STOPPED. It should be plenty high.

Try these easy things first.

After that it's probably not good news.


I'm assuming that this vehicle is a Disco II? Working on that basis, if you try to check the autobox oil level WITHOUT THE ENGINE RUNNING you will empty half the 'box fluid out onto the floor.

On a Disco II auto box the level fill plug is only accessible from underneath the vehicle and is set at such a height that if you open it without the engine (therefore the 'box oil pump) working, it will dump 2-3ltrs of atf from this hole. It is essential that the motor is running before you try to check the oil level.
I'm assuming that this vehicle is a Disco II? Working on that basis, if you try to check the autobox oil level WITHOUT THE ENGINE RUNNING you will empty half the 'box fluid out onto the floor.

On a Disco II auto box the level fill plug is only accessible from underneath the vehicle and is set at such a height that if you open it without the engine (therefore the 'box oil pump) working, it will dump 2-3ltrs of atf from this hole. It is essential that the motor is running before you try to check the oil level.

Does it not have a dipstick in a tube?


Many many thanks for the advice, fingers crossed. Still in Cornwall for a weeks or so until we cram ourselves into the Honda for the trip back to Herts. I'll update you with the results....

Again, much obliged.

So while he's off-ranch boys, what's his best diagnostics plan?

Could he eliminate a bust half-shaft by engaging DIFF LOCK and giving her a squirt?

Is it possible it has only jumped into Transfer box neutral ! ?

What else in a Disco Auto can go BANG and give you no drive?


Many many thanks for the advice, fingers crossed. Still in Cornwall for a weeks or so until we cram ourselves into the Honda for the trip back to Herts. I'll update you with the results....

Again, much obliged.



Should you be speaking to these guys?
Check the thread
crunch! BANG no drive! BASTID!

Sadly the autobox on the Disco II is not so 'user friendly' as the earlier models and I would think that changeing the oil would not be an option for the DiY mechy, especially as it is apparently recommended to overfill them to aid cooling, and this with the engine running and through a fluid level plug on the front of the box. I have oftem wondered whether it could be converted to a dipdtick type arrangement as on the 300tdi.

Having survived the nightmare that is Xmas, I've now found the time to get the Landie moving again.... Either that or divorce looms.... Having said that.....!

Anyway, having had a really good look at it, the red gear selection light flashes when its in drive, and won't change if I move the stick. Upon initial start up the M and S lights remain unlit, but once I've revved it to around 4k the both start flashing and remain so.... The engine still responds to throttle and revs freely, but the bugger still dosn't move, as mentioned, like a manual with no clutch cable....

Having read through various other entries, it seems to point more and more to the XYZ switch, the only thing different being the fact that use of my throttle revs the engine, as opposed to some other entries that seem to get no response. One more thing, the transfer box seems to move from high to low a tad easier, but I may be imagining that coz I havn't use that car for a month or so....

Sorry to be a pain guys, but before I start working through the list you've provided, would the above tend to point to a more specific issue, or could it still be one of a number of problems....

Does anyone know a good Landie mobile mech in Herts ????

The other half is starting to mention getting rid and replacing with a CR-V... Help !!! (Think she means the Landie and not me... wishful thinking !)
You don't say what you were doing when the fault occured. Was the car parked for a length of time after driving perfectly and you started it up and selected 'D' and nothing happened, ooooor was you in 'd' and driving along and just lost drive ect? Without wishing to be the bringer of doom assuming you were on the move and just lost drive along with the the dash lights coming on then this could indicate an electronic issue inside the gearbox.....eeesh ££££!:(

Hopefully you will have checked the transfer lever has not disconnected itself and left the transfer in nuetral or something stupid like that, failing that you might just get that divorce, I know a few mechanics that will lie for you :D


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He he, cheers Dave - Sounds like the divorce maybe cheaper !

Yep, it was running along with all being good in the world, and then just lost all drive..... No bangs, no crashing, just the sound of a wallet being emptied....

He he, cheers Dave - Sounds like the divorce maybe cheaper !

Yep, it was running along with all being good in the world, and then just lost all drive..... No bangs, no crashing, just the sound of a wallet being emptied....


Well sudden fluid loss should have been evident if that was the issue and I know it was not, the selector lever coming disconnected and then dropping into nuetral....well I have seen that before but not with the dash lights flashing, I would read through the list the guys on here have given you before parting with your money, this is going to be a 'oh look a loose bolt' oooooorrrrr 'sorry mate (note sucking noises through teeth) that's going to be about XXXXX for a new gearbox type of scenario.

I hope it all comes good for you


any movement backwards ????, i was told it could be a broken kick down cable thats all i can say ant got a clue what it is or where to find it (only a thought !!!)
Isn't the Dashboard Gear selection indicator next to the odometer driven by the XYZ switch? - What does this display - if it is working normally I think it would suggest the XYZ switch is working if not this may be the first place to look
I'm still not convinced it hasn't jumped into transfer box HI-LO neutral.

Mine jumps into that neutral every so often.


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