
New Member

we always have this discussion about lift kits and they won't help at all, waste of money, yada, yada, yada..........

but sometimes we do get to the agreement that the only way you need one is to fit bigger tyres to increase axle clearance and so the tyres dont rub..

so...over last weekend and this weekend I've been exploring quite a large network of byways 5min from home :D (handy when Im bored with nothing to do)
most of them are pretty basic with a very pleasant drive through the woods and nice scenary

but, there's one, which is uphill and has a huge hole, the surface is clay, very, very stick stuff that just sticks to the 90 like glue... (took me ages to wash the chassi)

anyway, back to the point...
On the pic below, I didnt manage to get out of that hole and had to reverse back, the exit was too steep and was bottoming underneath... wouldnt a lift have helped here? as the whole chassi, etc would be higher off the ground?

I suppose that depends how many inches you would need get clearance. By the looks of it, quite a few inches for the rear tyres to have a chance of gripping?

What size tyres do you have now?
yep.. but there you go, the lifts do help, if I had a 2 or 4 or 5 inch lift, I could have probably made it...

must say that my suspension its sagging a bit and I need to get a new one, so if the suspension was in top condition maybe the back end wouldnt have dropped so much...

Insa turbos special tracks, 265/75 R16.... but putting a normal 85 tyre next to it, they are the same size.

You could have thrown down a few waffle boards I guess if you really wanted to get over it!

If the 85 "normal" tyre was not as wide as your insas, not surprising that they might be the same height - because the 80/85 is a % of the width of course.
Yes, an increased breakover angle is one of the few benefits of a lift kit.
I run 285:75x16 so a lift kit was necessary for me. I went with a 2" kit rather than the boingy 3" kit.
Not had any problems with it off road, but it can get a tad wibbly wobbly in the corners on road.
Thats a Greenlane? Well anyone else want to load the Anti's weapon so they can hammer LZ and its members?

why would they hammer?? im not off track, kept to the track...isnt that what we are supposed to do? never leave the tracks?

I guess the whole has been done by the tractors travelling between the fields, as its uphill, they could have been stuck in there?
Its too big of a hole to have been made by only people driving 4x4... the rest of the greenlane is just normal driving, its just this bit uphill that is like that.

Or.. could have even been the farmers that dug the hole to stop people driving through?
on another byway I found 2 logs dropped on the tracks, which I moved out the way....

and yes, its still a byway, the logs werent blocking the entrance to the byway, just halfway and they were small(ish)

cant really see on this pic, but its quite steep... the hole where I was is at the top near that tree that is all by itself on the right of the track


the clay is unbelivable, never seen anything like that... just went outside and even after pressure washing the 90 as much as I could, the clay is drying and there's big lumps of it falling off on the drive!
you need to get an ordanace survey map and see what these routes really are... chances are they're private and are there for the farmer to get around, this doesn't mean that you can drive there... oh and BTW if its too wet and muddy you're not meant to drive and churn them all up
you need to get an ordanace survey map and see what these routes really are... chances are they're private and are there for the farmer to get around, this doesn't mean that you can drive there... oh and BTW if its too wet and muddy you're not meant to drive and churn them all up

What's an ordenance survey map?
what's the biggest tyres can I fit on my disco?
Is Britpart really that bad?


do you think i started doing greenlanes yesterday?
I have the whole of UK in OS landranger maps in 1:25k and 1:50k.... do you think that's enough?
and checked with the council too :doh:

this is the start of the byway, perfectly drivable....its only when you get to that point that is like that, even after its perfectly fine again.


as you can see.. there's quite a few byways around here...maybe 20 in the same little area or so
if you know so much then you shouldn't be cutting up the lane.. shoulda reversed and found another route
Why would you just assume the op was driving somewhere illegally? Any picture, whether it be a rutted muddy trail or a wide grassy track could be taken out of context and used as 'proof' of irresponsible behaviour. Personally I wouldn't have driven that section but as the rest of the lane seems to be in good condition I may well have ended up in the same situation. I'm sure were all good drivers by walking each lane before we drive it... :bolt:

On another note isn't it funny how these pictures never get brought up...

I also walk and have alwasy wondered how ramblers (of which I do NOT count myself one ;)) can attack the 4x4 community for damage to greenlanes when walking can have just as mush impact... :kettlepot:

As for lift kit, I believe it would have helped. For the odd occasion tthey come in for they're really not worth the money (imo). Can't claim I'm not tempted though...
JP that hole could well be made by 4x4's very easily. The rest of the lane looks great that hole is a prime example of what shouldn't be driven and voluntary TRO should be upheld. How many of us would? Honestly?Nobody can defend it now pics have been posted and there is no argument to keep that as an open BOAT as its impassable. So what have we achieved? Well it may well lead to having yet another lane tro'd. congratulations!I'm sure most people love it deep mud ruts everything looks fun but this is not greenlaning. Its P&P teritory. You got stuck in it and with those tyres you shouldn't be getting stuck. I'm not here to **** on anyones parade but posting a pic like that will do us no favours.

If you disagree then fair enough you might aswell joing the bobble hat brigade and'rant about 4x4's destroying lanes. Be less harm than a pic of a kitted 90 sunk, spinning its chunky offroad tyres flying mud everywhere. I'm no fan of glass but what would they think?

Another negative for LZ members well done!

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