Changed mine to a 40mm, because i'm lazy lol

1. 19NMC
2. ThomasDK (30mm)
3. Winu (30mm)
4. dave21478
5. NDavies
6. FreelanderAl
7. NoDo$h (30mm)
Wicked, just waiting on my little Polish friend, but he's good with his money so I'm not worried.
Will order material tomorrow, should have it by end of week.

All those not in the hunt, you have until 9am Tuesday morning to order any custom size lift kits, otherwise it's only 40mm kits available.
Material is ordered, I've ordered a few extra short bits for the 30mm kits, so if any late comers to the party want a 30mm kit there's enough pieces to make another short kit.
Ok, 30mm kit chaps, this post only applies to you...

I've got an issue, namely I can't get the bolts in without grinding part of the head off, which I don't want to do.
I should've seen this earlier, was thinking ah I'll just put the bolts in before welding the plates together, but realised yesterday that I've got 3 long bolts to go through the kits to line the plates up and keep them tight throughout the welding process, so can't get the bolts in the top plate before weld. Had a bit of a play around yesterday and can't come up with a solution.

So... Lukasz (winu) is already out, can Alan or Thomas go up to a 40mm kit?
Can you not have oval holes and then weld the bolts in and fill the hole at the same time?

Holes are already done, they're laser cut. Bolts get welded from the head side, just don't want to reduce the strength of the bolt by removing half the head!
Simon, I'll need to take another look before I say yes. Can I get back to you Friday?

No problem Alan, no rush...

Got some lights to make between now and Monday for the new Ebola ward at the RVI in Newcastle (apparently its urgent?!?!), so can't progress lift kits any more before Monday afternoon anyway. 36+ hours work in 3 days!!
Simon, I'm going to have a think as well... Stupid question, but what about making lower holes slotted? Or use threaded rod with locking nuts as lower bolts?
I wouldn't be confident of the strength of threaded rod. Problem I've got is lining the plates up, then getting the bolts in once welded together, as I can't do both, even with tacking the plates together then taking the clamp bolts out to put the bolts in, the bolts are 32mm long but the gap to fit them in is 20mm
Let me know Thomas, No rush, you can have the weekend to think about it.
If either of you need refunds there's no problem with that, although I'd obviously prefer to sort something out with having ordered enough materials for 20 kits :)

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