
Good afternoon Al, tried to find posts on this, but couldn’t find a thread.

I have just fitted defender upgrades LED pack which includes all lights (except headlights) and the indicators are working together as if I have my hazard lights on. Britanica Restorations said to put a incandescent bulb in the circuit for in his videos, but that only works if you don’t have a solid state LED lamps.

I have changed the relay too.

I’m going to change the lights behind the dash to LED too, so will see if that fixes it. My only other option is to remove the indicator bulb entirely from the dash to make it work.

Does anyone have any other ideas?
Any help greatly appreciated
Because there is only one dashboard, indicator repeater light. The power feeds through that to light the other indicators.. there Is a mod requiring installation of a couple of diodes to stop this happening.
I'm pretty sure it's on the site somewhere.
Sorry I don't have time to look it up for you, time to go down to sailing club, it's a race down river to a pub, have lunch, and then race back.

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