Can't be added to look, but were any of his 22 posts anything worth knowing??? Why would he think anyone would care if he can't handle a bit crap from owning a Gaylander, is it any wonder they get abused if this is the calibre of the owners, :confused::confused:;);););):rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Bit of an ott response - yeah the dribbling yokel trolls are a tad wearisome but the wealth of info is worth it! Hey ho. He/she will be on here for tips and advice as a guest anyway... whatever!!

hahahaha, have we come across a new batch of newbies that bitch and moan. Great entertainment.
He was back on at 07:23 this morning, what was he expecting :confused::confused::confused:
more pictures of 110 topless?:eek:
a petition to persuade him to stay?:eek:
a grovelling apology?:eek:
pictures of Storms boner?:eek:

has his Gaylander broken itself?:eek: perhaps the doors fell off after some light drizzle:rolleyes::rolleyes:

OR has he grown a pair, unearthed a sense of humour somewhere, decided he was being a knob and decided we're all nice really and he's going to try sticking around for a while?
Bloody hell, he might even enjoy it;);)
Handbag's at dawn then ! fail to see it's anyone's fault if you don't have a sense of humour , you bought the bloody thing !:rolleyes:
He should read Hippo's posts, he drives his beloved Gaylander and takes the stick anorl.

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