The better-protected end, the steering relay end, came easily. The other end - the one with the nick in the gaiter that started it all - was another story. PLENTY of heat required - I had to take it to a mate's workshop, because my blowlamp wasn't getting it hot enough - and even then reluctant, even once it'd started to move.

Copaslip? Oh, yes. Muchocopaslipiness.
Well, somebody somewhere said that the Intermotor brake light switches were a waste of money. They may have been right. I've adjusted it four times now, and they're not working again this evening.

Lucas switch ordered. I don't want to have to pay £40ish for a genuine, but...

It's a sodding brake light switch. How come EVERY other brake light switch on the face of the planet, no matter how cheap, Just Flippin' Works?
Well, somebody somewhere said that the Intermotor brake light switches were a waste of money. They may have been right. I've adjusted it four times now, and they're not working again this evening.

Lucas switch ordered. I don't want to have to pay £40ish for a genuine, but...

It's a sodding brake light switch. How come EVERY other brake light switch on the face of the planet, no matter how cheap, Just Flippin' Works?

I went through 2 Lucas switches within a fortnight and both were hopeless. Like yours, adjusted it correct but after a few presses it either stayed on or wouldn't come on at all. I tried to fettle them for ages with no success. I eventually sourced a new 'old stock' Lucas on ebay. Fitted it and has been faultless since! £15 well spent in the end but didn't expect to have had the trouble in the first place even with modern Lucas
I went through 2 Lucas switches within a fortnight and both were hopeless. Like yours, adjusted it correct but after a few presses it either stayed on or wouldn't come on at all. I tried to fettle them for ages with no success. I eventually sourced a new 'old stock' Lucas on ebay. Fitted it and has been faultless since! £15 well spent in the end but didn't expect to have had the trouble in the first place even with modern Lucas

It's just arrived - and you can feel the quality is WAAAAAY ahead of the Intermotor one, even without opening the bag. There's a sticker on the back, with adhesive barely clinging on, that gives a stock delivery date of 1990... so it's old-stock. Great!

Even better, it was £12 delivered, and they have plenty left. Stock up now, folks.
Land Rover Brake Light Switch Genuine Lucas 575166 39184 | eBay
Took the 88 for a 300 mile round trip the other weekend, to go camping in the Peak District with a bunch of other like-minded (2cv club) idiots. In a beer garden, of course.

On the way there, it started coughing and farting, which got worse and worse, then a bit better. Nothing that couldn't be driven around, but it was also a bit reluctant to drop back to an idle, which was a pain on the convoy down narrow lanes...

My first thought, because this was at the end of the first tankful of juice it'd had through in five years, was gunk in the carb. But I was aware that I'd not done anything with the points, either, apart from buy a set - and they ain't a lot of use in the drawer...

After a bit of head-scratching, I decided not to bother fitting them - and went straight for the SimonBBC/PowerSpark electronic kit. So - the distributor's just been apart to fit it.

To be honest, I'm amazed the damn thing ran at all, let alone as well as it did! There's really not very much of the old points left, especially the static half. I don't know when I last saw a set so badly eroded and burnt.

Fitting the kit was a bit more of a fanny than I expected - the base plate had to come out to remove the spring-loaded plastic heel onto the shaft - and I'm surprised that it doesn't use the vac advance, just the mechanical - and wasn't helped a bit by the hail that started just as I got to the point of no return...

But a quick once up the lane? Transformed. It's in a much better mood than it was.

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