blue 3188

New Member
Hi Guys, Can Anybody Shed Some Light On My Mates Disco, He's Just Arrrived With The Drivers Side Leaning Badly[ Looks Bad From The Rear] Is It Serious? Or Can It Be Fixed By Us[farm Boys]? We Know How To Use The Old King Dick!!!!! Help Please.

Cheers Lads. Jimbo
hi guys sounds like one of your shockers has gone or you got a bust front spring both easy to do if you check out underneath and look at the bottom of the spring where it seats thats where mine went but also check shockers while you got it all apart just be safe regards colin
Hi Again Colin,
We Sort Of Suspected A Shocker Or Similar, It's A W Reg
And Goes Over Some Rough Farmland, Just Wondered Why The Thing Is Down On The Front As Well As Rear, Surely Cant Have Shot Both, Can It?, Well, Fit's With The Rest Of The Week So Far, Hate Getting The Tools Out On A Friday Colin. Cheers M8. Jimbo.

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