
New Member
ive recently bought a discovery 2 4.0 es model went out tonight and found water on the drivers seat edge and also where the gear levers are i know some suffer from leaky sunrof but this seems to be coming from above the rear view mirror any views thanks.
with referance to my earlier post i have water coming down from my rear view mirror would it def be coming from the front sunroof thanks.
with referance to my earlier post i have water coming down from my rear view mirror would it def be coming from the front sunroof thanks.

Try checking that the drainage tubes aren't clogged up.
I don't have a Disco so I'm not sure where exactly they are located but it should be obvious with the sunroof open
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If water is getting as far as the drain tubes then you have an iffy sunroof to glass seal, it may just need a clean then a coat of Vasaline or if it's still leaking then a replacement.
If you search the Forum you will find lots of info on leaking sunroofs, it's a common problem.
with referance to my earlier post i have water coming down from my rear view mirror would it def be coming from the front sunroof thanks.

I've had 2 Discos with leaking sunroofs and both were cured by washing the rubber seal throughly with hot soapy water and then given a really good doing with Vaseline.

No more probs after that !!!
ive recently bought a discovery 2 4.0 es model went out tonight and found water on the drivers seat edge and also where the gear levers are i know some suffer from leaky sunrof but this seems to be coming from above the rear view mirror any views thanks.

Classic problem, can often be fixed by doing the following:

1. Open sunroof and locate the rubber seal that touches the glass;

2. Wash thoroughly with hot soapy water;

3. Coat the rubber seal closing face with vaseline so that when closed the sunroof closes onto the newly greased seal.

That often sorts ou the leak - it has done on 2 Disco for me.

Only takes 30 mins tops for each one.
I have just read this and if it works i will be delighted. ive taken my sunroof apart twice to try to fix the problem!!!

Will let you know!!
One tip I would have is to park facing down a slope, even if it is slight. If I park facing up the slope my Disco 2 leaks. Must get around to looking at the seals some day
I had exactly the same, not Sunroof but as previouse mentioned headling ie windscreen leaking - feel on the inside roof above the windscreen, bet it's wet.
I have just taken apart the whole head lining of the the car....my drains were fine but it seems that the seal with the roof of the car seems to be the problem.....i have bits and pieces every where at the moment but i think I've got to the bottom of it. I will post photos if I get a chance.

As I mentioned earlier this is my fourth time trying to fix this problem.....
fist time just disconnected the hoses and sealed them up
2nd sealed the connectors from the hoses to the drip tray
3rd just try to seal the entry with vasline.
now seal the whole thing up and never use it again!!!

Update on my disco leaking.

I have re sealed the roof and there is very little water coming in. however I went to test the functionality of the drip tray so in water slowly with the hoses disconnedted and waited for the water to come out. What I found was that it started coming out the back before it came out the hose sections meaning that the back of the car is slopping towards the back door and hense the reason why I think parking it on a slope is an issue some times!!

Is my disco sitting down slightly too much......it's not airbags I've had that problem before.....twice!!....but i suspect the settings on suspension unit may be too low???

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