Oh I did take a picture of the spotted engine...
I got given a Hawkeye last week so I might be able to 'live data' with it....
Land rovers, yeah, get some :confused::D
I did plug it in today on the way to work, the only two things I noticed that seemed odd to me was the live boost hit 230Kpa early on and then was irratic and 0.00% reading on turbo wastegate :rolleyes: I disconnected the boost modulator on the silver one pretty soon after I got it so I don't know what difference that made but I reckon that is the next place I shall be looking on this one :confused:
Today I have found clutch master cylinder and slave cylinder surprisingly simple compared to what I had read, I found that it was the master seals at fault and found bleeding is infact an undertaking, I found that I couldn't access the top slave bolt due to the decat that was spilt at the flexy no problem it coming off today anyway, pipe unbolted cross member in the way with snapped bolts and rounded heads... Hmmm I didn't remove them on my last one? Why not? Hmmm I was doing the manifold gaskets turbo was off! Turbo has been off recently successfully I'll just whip that off pull it up through the top, bosh, and then I can get that slave bolt....
I buggered 3 threads up and snapped one.....
Decat out and lying on top of it's replacement I discovered that it was 1/2" diameter less and not quite bent the same...
Master on, slave on, turbo on, unblowing bigger bore decat on, faulty boost modulator bypassed, fully bled, codes cleared, changing gear and pulling greatly improved :D
Hmmm busy busy weekend this weekend, not gotten to doing anything on it for the last couple of weeks so tried to get as much in as I could in anticipation for its mot on Friday....
The list of accomplishments in no particular order
2 new rear calipers and pads and bleed,
Cruise control fitted,
Boost gauge fitted,
4 new brighter head light bulbs,
Found the NS headlight plugs had been butchered in the past and not very well as out of the 9 wires only 3 didn't pull out the female spade connecters....
Fitted a washer bottle under the bonnet,
Found the electric headlight adjusters stopped working after I'd done the bulbs and the washer bottle and traced it back to 2 out of the 3 that hadn't pulled out earlier had pulled out...
Vacuumed the inside and washed the outside,
Removed towbar step,
And I think that's about it for this weekends work, I have done a couple of lanes in in this last couple of weeks which I will admit that I found simpler in my auto but I've not tried buildwas lane in this one yet and I also let my dad take it for an unsupervised test drive to which he took it across a saturated stubble field which the first pic was his doing
And finally the pictures....
Well, booked in early for mot today and in true land rover style on the way home last night there was a little knock from the front, that's odd maybe a droplink has failed, this morning on the way to work the knocking was getting noticibly worse, Hmmm maybe anti roll bar bushes.... So I finish at 1 and drive gingerly back to Telford and stop for fuel knowing I don't need to be at mot test till 2, ooh I'll just have a look see if I can see owt, so I'm on my back at the front and I start pulling down on the body and the knocking is easily heard but I can't see anything untoward on the roll bar so I keep pulling and trace the knock.... The bloody poly bush from the bottom of the bloody shock absorber is AWOL :confused::confused:
So anyway I'm not going to cancel mot just because of that so I carry on and do the deed not expecting a pass due to the many discoveries I've already encountered....

Realistically it's not so bad at all, the corrosion advisories are the two chassis body outriggers both still solid but with holes and he said he could see smoke coming from the downpipe flexy which is a little disappointing :rolleyes:
This truck must think I've got nothing better to do with my weekend :rolleyes:
Lower shock mount and sill welding today...
the shock came out even easier than I expected, I'd read up and watched the technique so well prepared but unlike what I'd seen I saw no benefit to taking the top bolt and cover off, there was zero evidence of the missing bush and the two lower bolts were neither 12mm or 13mm but somewhere in between :confused::confused:




So I did the shock first knowing damn well that the hole will be bigger than it looks and whence I get into it I won't be able to stop tapping and to give it chance to dry out, I don't know what the rest of the country has been like but the rain in Shropshire has been biblical this week, hence the first picture.....
I did in the end remove the door seal and weld along the top but I didn't take a picture of the rust inside cleaned up or treated or a full view of it finished and stone chipped but I did clean the whole sill and stone chip the lot :D
I'm not at all happy with the welds considering how pedantic I am at work with my welds being perfect but with land rover metal, rust dust, time constraints etc it's as good as it was going to get :oops::oops:



Got myself an MOT pass today early doors and then spent the rest of the day welding a national hot rod :D
But I can't upload any pictures though due to not having permission to view this page or perform this action....:confused:
c@n you not hold digits on the pic so it highlights it so you c@n copy it.
That is way over my head, I'm good with practical things not electrical things :D
Years ago i would use botophucket but I abandoned that when they started to want money :confused::confused:
Well the inevitable happened this morning....
I had quarter tank of fuel but I thought I'd put some in anyway, half a mile ish is started misfiring but it kept going but right as I pulled up at the pump it cut out on me :rolleyes: filled up, did a full prime sequence but would it buggery fire.... It's been terrible anyway during this cold snap and it had started pretty easy first thing so I wasn't worried but in the end the battery went too flat so I was stuck :oops:
My hero dad came to my rescue in his freelancer and dragged me away from the pump and we stuck jump leads on, I did another prime sequence and while I waited I checked the oil level for diesel, red plug for oil, fuel leaks around the filter etc and I even cracked the water trap which did have some water in.
So anyway I wound it over and over until it eventually fired and it ticked over and didn't smoke or misfire, gave it a spin around Morrisons carpark to be sure and then headed to work, and then this evening it started quicker than it has for weeks :D
Moral of the story; don't trust the fuel gauge :rolleyes::confused:
Keep it topped up, I dont trust the gauge on a Disco. If you want a fuel boost, try a few capfulls of Millers in the tank. Always gives a boost, and eases start up.... You WILL notice the difference
So three cold starts later and it's firing in less than 3 seconds and the power has changed, before it would get to 3k and stop pulling as hard yet today it got round to 4k before I realised what it was doing.....
I don't remember if I've ran it so low since I've had it, as it's a lot better on fuel than my other I've still been putting the same amount in per fill up and probably £20pw better of so I've been saving it up in the tank

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