Oh man, I’m sorry, I’ve only just spotted this.
Sending you all the very best. As we say up in these parts ‘It’s a sair fecht’ but hang in there and fill your days with the things and people you love.
I sincerely hope things take a turn for the better, take care, fella.
@tomcat59alan great to hear your home but not the tumour. Look Alan lets just say feck it to visiting our favourite social club and live life to the full. 2 old men on an outing to stir up the country, what do you say pal:rolleyes::rolleyes::eek::D:D:D

My nose is like a red red rose
Full of veins and oh so manky.
Every time I come to blow on it
I will always need another hanky.

He walks through the valley of deaf,
Shouting foul language of obscenity.
Bowing and shaking his head he cries,
God let me in, I'm on shift at four thirty.
St Peter gatehouse.

The Devil is great, the Devil is cool. the Devil is no fool, only the devil can cheat at pool. But show him a Evoque nearby and a glint in his eye, he will sympathize. With up flamed blazen fork, he will apologize for the error and send you on to heaven forever.

In space they say, no one can hear you screaming, when you find out the misses is watching you ****ing.o_O