hi Wilk's

Well may be it's not such a bad idea after all.
I have spoke to many persons on different forums regarding this very similar trip.

blast through Europe, and start the adventure in Morroco.
Then follow the traditional route down.
I expect the trip to last between 3 months and 4 months,
Certainly no longer than 4 months,

keep it moving.


would you be intrested in going on such a trip ?

did u have eny other particulars in mined ?
Very much so, I have wanted this trip for about 2 years, but work always get in the way.
I need to wait until I am between contracts, then set off.
I was looking at a traditional route down, through Spain, Ceuta, Morocco, Western Sahara, Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger , Nigeria, Gabon, Congo, DCR, Angola, Namibia, then head East through Caprivi Strip, and into Botswana, Zambia, RSA, Durban, over the Sani pass into Lesotho, and onto East london, Port Elizabeth, The garden Route to Cape Agullus, then onto Cape Town.

There is a lot to see cutting across from Namibia, to Zambia, several good parks and reserves,
Skeleton Coast
Vic falls,
Zambezi nat. park

Ambitious is good, otherwise why don't we all just stay home everyday. I like the idea, although I've gota say, too much planning isn't always the best way as while you may start with a fixed route, garenteed it'll change countless times along the way, but isn't that what it's all about???
Yes Im interested-when would be a major factor..are you talkin soon ? A trip of that magnitude with a large group would take a long time planning.
Planning a fixed route isnt the problem its the logistics of a mass Landyzone exodus!
Scandinavia for the wife & I & the boy is hard work let alone SA for god knows how many !!
Is a really good idea, and i would be Keen though i'd have to look it to it a bit further, been planning on a big trip for a while now but would have to be about 2 years away!

Just on a whim though, realisticly, What kind of budget would you need to prep a 110 and get all the docs and links sorted??
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Is a really good idea, and i would be Keen though i'd have to look it to it a bit further, been planning on a big trip for a while now but would have to be about 2 years away!

Just on a whim though, realisticly, What kind of budget would you need to prep a 110 and get all the docs and links sorted??

exactly! if i am ever lucky enough to do SA, im looking at 3-4 years in advance just to save up! 3-4 months away is a long time for most people..
To those who dream of travel and are in a position where they can go off travelling for 4 months or so - just make it hapen before you get consumed by the rat race.
To those who dream of travel and are in a position where they can go off travelling for 4 months or so - just make it hapen before you get consumed by the rat race.

“Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, to make it possible.”

T. E. Lawrence , The Seven Pillars of Wisdom.

Allready planning for 2013 :)

“Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, to make it possible.”

T. E. Lawrence , The Seven Pillars of Wisdom.

Allready planning for 2013 :)


Culture strikes again :D.
I'ts been a pipe dream for a long time, funds are the onlything holding me back now

and whilst we're on culture, this might be quite apt, I can resist anything but temptation. Oscar Wilde
ime lucky anuf to have the time and resorses at the moment to get it done when i wont to ime taking full advantage of that and have no intentions of letting it slip away.

could some1 plz run throu the documents ide need for me just so i can cross check it to my list and see if ime missing anything
just reviving this topic as I am interested too :)
Got landy (see signature)
and ready to leave maybe in one year from now or so?
When is the ideal season for this? and what are the preferred routes?

I have a sketch of possible routes I put down some time ago here:
North-South - Google Maps

It is NOT the shortest route,
but apprently it's the most (one of the most) scenic to go through and the easiest on borders (with except of Lybya)


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