
Well-Known Member
Events Planner
If you would be willing to lead groups of up to 6 vehicles (total including you) on half day laning trips out into the Northamptonshire / Warwickshire / Leicestershire countryside during the LZ Birthday Bash please could you post below.

Routes will be pre-organised (although input is welcome) and should be driven before the event to ensure you are 100% familiar with the routes.

There will be routes suitable for shiny's and routes which are slightly more technical for more experienced laners.
Ive already got leaders in mind bump. :eek:

Just waiting for replies!
Why is the limit set to 6 vehicles only?

At this point i would point you towards the GLASS website and the Greenlaning Code Of Conduct but of course the website is down! :doh:

Take a look at this though: Code of Conduct Bulleted Its the TRF code of conduct which is very similar.

We keep to small numbers when laning so as not to intimidate other users. If walkers or cyclists come across a big group of vehicles it can be very off putting and encroaching.
Until I've got a proper gps sorted I can't .. well, I can with paper, but it's so much easier with a laptop/tablet. Otherwise I would, maybe still will if you're short of others or get something in the meantime.
Until I've got a proper gps sorted I can't .. well, I can with paper, but it's so much easier with a laptop/tablet. Otherwise I would, maybe still will if you're short of others or get something in the meantime.

Thanks Paul. will be in touch. :)
Are you doing a route for the Freelanderers :D

Yes, there will be a "shiny" route, suitable for gaylanders, Range Rover's and those with shiny vehicles they don't want to damage (like D3's... :) )

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