I called the access officer for Dumfries & Galloway and he told me that there are no recognised green lanes in the region, and that you have to ask the land owner's permission before going anywhere...

So - is this correct?

And if so, where are the nearest certified green lanes to me which I am allowed to drive on? Cumbria? Is there a map of them?


Not much in scotland lane wise but if you buy a os map you can see what there is where
Ye could think about joinin' this lot...

Welcome to the Ae4x4 Club Website

Or ye could try gettin' tae know some farmers / game keepers / land owners etc and they might let ye have access;)

Already a member :)

But they only seem to have a meet like once every month/six weeks and I'm itching to go out and dominate nature now!

A bit miffed that the pics from the last event aren't up on the website yet - should be plenty in the album of me conquering the elements in my totally standard disco with road tyres!

EDIT: And as for the farmers - not sure if the local one will be speaking to me after I sank my disco in a swamp in his land the first day I bought it! (Without asking permission)
There is an old roman road north of dumfries at durisdeer. Drive to the village and keep going north east through the gate. Enjoy.

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