My advice would be to leave the beautiful Welsh countryside undisturbed and stick to the tarmac.
Range Rovers are designed for rich people to take their kids to private school.
Discos are designed for poor people to take their kids to state school
Freelanders are designed for...well I couldn't possibly comment.
Series LRs are designed for chasing Russian infantry across the North German plains.
So stay on the roads and leave the green lanes to pedestrians and equestrians.

Here in the UK we have a problem with green lanes being closed and lost for ever which is a great shame and whilst some do abuse green lanes most like myself do not and in fact we do alot of good for them.
Its normally walkers that campaign to get them closed down much to the delight to farmers who want them gone altogeather as then no one gos near their land, while the route is a legal byway or BOAT the local council have to keep it 2m wide thus keeping it open when it is downgraded to a path they do not and it gets overgrown and then forgotten after a number of years it legally gos back to a non footpath and is lost.
A good case were a lane a few years back, ramblers campaigned many years to stop off roaders driving a legal road BOAT, they said it disturbed their peace and they wanted to enjoy quiet and calm and in the end they won.
2 years later and the path is overgrown and the treading to difficult to walk and the lane is forgotten and they asked the council to open it up and they said due to it be a footpath it is now down to traffic to keep it open ie ramblers walking on it which of course they obviously did'nt do enough of so another lane lost.

I am a member of GLASS we work close with land owners to assure them we are there to watch out for any anti social behaviour and report if need be thus protecting the contryside and keeping the lane open, if I see a walker I stop and have had many a great convo with them over the years and educated many as to me being there and that I am helping which they all end up in agreement.

There are many scenarios but in keeping them open also allows for emergency services to get there quicker (why they have 4X4's in some parts) and also allows us 4X4 er's to maybe help a walker in distress get them help ? I have done this in the past where a gentlman broke his leg and the only way down the 3 mile stretch was my RR and this could of saved someones life.

Apart from these points there are many more however it is far more inportant than the beutiful countryside as these are also anciant roads our anscetors used.

Yes I am dyslexic and my spelling can be bad but these are points we need to remember and also behave when we use them, see bad behaviour record it and report it simple the same as walkers litter report them as well we need to keep our country open not closed.
Here in the UK we have a problem with green lanes being closed and lost for ever which is a great shame and whilst some do abuse green lanes most like myself do not and in fact we do alot of good for them.
Its normally walkers that campaign to get them closed down much to the delight to farmers who want them gone altogeather as then no one gos near their land, while the route is a legal byway or BOAT the local council have to keep it 2m wide thus keeping it open when it is downgraded to a path they do not and it gets overgrown and then forgotten after a number of years it legally gos back to a non footpath and is lost.
A good case were a lane a few years back, ramblers campaigned many years to stop off roaders driving a legal road BOAT, they said it disturbed their peace and they wanted to enjoy quiet and calm and in the end they won.
2 years later and the path is overgrown and the treading to difficult to walk and the lane is forgotten and they asked the council to open it up and they said due to it be a footpath it is now down to traffic to keep it open ie ramblers walking on it which of course they obviously did'nt do enough of so another lane lost.

I am a member of GLASS we work close with land owners to assure them we are there to watch out for any anti social behaviour and report if need be thus protecting the contryside and keeping the lane open, if I see a walker I stop and have had many a great convo with them over the years and educated many as to me being there and that I am helping which they all end up in agreement.

There are many scenarios but in keeping them open also allows for emergency services to get there quicker (why they have 4X4's in some parts) and also allows us 4X4 er's to maybe help a walker in distress get them help ? I have done this in the past where a gentlman broke his leg and the only way down the 3 mile stretch was my RR and this could of saved someones life.

Apart from these points there are many more however it is far more inportant than the beutiful countryside as these are also anciant roads our anscetors used.

Yes I am dyslexic and my spelling can be bad but these are points we need to remember and also behave when we use them, see bad behaviour record it and report it simple the same as walkers litter report them as well we need to keep our country open not closed.

I think all in agreement, I took the original post as a joke :)
Yes I am dyslexic and my spelling can be bad but these are points we need to remember and also behave when we use them, see bad behaviour record it and report it simple the same as walkers litter report them as well we need to keep our country open not closed.[/QUOTE]

Don't have any concern about your spelling, I've seen far worse penned by some who don't have your condition ;)
An interesting & informative article, thank you for posting it.
Yes I am dyslexic and my spelling can be bad but these are points we need to remember and also behave when we use them, see bad behaviour record it and report it simple the same as walkers litter report them as well we need to keep our country open not closed.

Don't have any concern about your spelling, I've seen far worse penned by some who don't have your condition ;)
An interesting & informative article, thank you for posting it.[/QUOTE]
Cheers mate I normally get picked on for spelling.
Surely that has the be the very vast exception though. Even on Salisbury plain. If you stick to the prescribed routes and don’t venture off piste, you should rarely find an obstacle a standard vehicle on AT’s can not easily drive through.
Yes, you should rarely find an obstacle that a 4x4 can’t drive through. However, there are lots of legitimate tank tracks that you can choose to drive but which do have more challenging obstacles, and on Salisbury Plain by ‘obstacles’ we pretty much always mean muddy puddles of varying length and depth. It’s all about mud on the plain. But it’s always your choice, there is nearly always a ‘fun’ way - (occasionally bloody stupid way) and a safer sensible route. The key is being sensible. I have seen Land Rovers stuck fast and only recovered by tractors or tanks - but they are always driver error, over confidence, over ambitious, under estimating, etc. Salisbury Plain is hazardous but the hazards can nearly always, no, can always be navigated safely or avoided.
It is not the difficulty of the hazards on the Plain that causes the problems, it is the inexperience of the drivers.

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