Thank you Paul D, i know im a noob but we all gotta start somewhere. Much appreciated.

Most noobs post in the introduce section first.
Then engage in a bit of banter and get a bit of abuse.
Then peeps give pointers on what to do to find the lanes for yourself.

Instead of expecting folk to give you the locations of lanes that they have spent hours researching.

Do you now understand the frosty reception?
Thank you Paul D, i know im a noob but we all gotta start somewhere. Much appreciated.

I posted it to show you the work we do to find lanes ... which is why we (mostly) don't just up and pass on lane locations to folks we don't lnow. Keep an eye open on the greenlaning section and tag onto an outing ..
Most noobs post in the introduce section first.
Then engage in a bit of banter and get a bit of abuse.
Then peeps give pointers on what to do to find the lanes for yourself.

Instead of expecting folk to give you the locations of lanes that they have spent hours researching.

Do you now understand the frosty reception?

Aye i get you pal, sorry, just picking my 90 up in a couple of days and cant wait to get out and started. Didnt mean to offend anyone, or want to steal anyones hard work, that link was a massive help in how to find where to go.

Cheers for the heads up, i'll try and network abit more next time. my bad
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No worries.

Check the lanes in the link .. the ones in the second bit are in North Lincs .. North east of Retford .. there are more in the area .. ;)
don,t know about north of lincoln but just outside middle rasen on the A46 on the first bad bend after the long straight is a byway marked and its on the os maps the lane leads all the way up to willingham woods by going round the back of market rasen and the race course but its one hell of a track not to be attempted with out serioius off road tires and winch spare drive knuckles and make sure you are carrying a land anchor as well all in all its about 15 to twenty miles in all with crossing little back roads but at this time of year after one of my mates has been down it in the tracked tractor its one hell of a mud bath so will take most of the day (best to go in a group for that lane is my advice) or go along to the 4x4 breakers market rasen its self and see the boys they know when the next group are going out around there):dance:
thanks disco924, can i assume youre from around these parts then? im not that far away from middle/market rasen, only about a 10 min drive, but for something that intense i think i'll avoid for now, just want something not too extreme to star off with. cheers though.
hi mate do not do the A46 if you are going bye your self the bomb hole is deep and the ruts was to deep at the top for me we have to used are winchs three weeks ago you will need a winch for the A46
hi mate do not do the A46 if you are going bye your self the bomb hole is deep and the ruts was to deep at the top for me we have to used are winchs three weeks ago you will need a winch for the A46
And a spare diff lol. bust mine down ther making it have it:D
Aye i get you pal, sorry, just picking my 90 up in a couple of days and cant wait to get out and started. Didnt mean to offend anyone, or want to steal anyones hard work, that link was a massive help in how to find where to go.

Cheers for the heads up, i'll try and network abit more next time. my bad
R8 Kip :)

we just see a lot of this on here and when they've extracted the info they're off.:mad:

anyway finding em is half the challenge ;)
By accounts it sounds like the lane your on about shouldnt be driven anyway. :mad:

If you need a winch you shouldnt be there! :doh:

We need to preserve these lanes or they will be perminately TRO'd and taken off the map forever.

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