Hi Guys,

Looks like you had fun, wish i had been there.

Kooky...what tyres have you got on P38??????

Yup they is some good lanes around here. Enough variety to make it interesting, but nothing to cause major damage (unless you want to), but a couple of spots that make you think.
Hi Guys,

Looks like you had fun, wish i had been there.

Kooky...what tyres have you got on P38??????


Next time mebbe? Be good to have 2 P38s in the party!

I've got General Grabber AT2 tyres on it. Usually they're excellent, but to be honest they were struggling just a bit in places yesterday. Certainly couldn't climb out of the ruts but it was very wet and slippy.

Excellent day. I'm sure the little scratches will polish out...

Good day out no doors falling off the freelander and the suspension stayed up on the p38 but the paint work took a bashing heres the pics



Looks great guys, I'll keep an eye out for the next time you venture out.

Guy, the Rangie looks great in these one. :)

Great job from the Freelander too. .

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