just a foo pics of Basingstoke this morning - very fine, powdery snow. a good 6".

and two of the roads a week or so ago ;)

Tufftee tucked up in bed ;)

last night

this morning


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any, or all of them - i would suggest you only drive lanes you know, as some have hidden hazards, such as gullies and x-axle areas. Most that I am aware of from last w/e had a few trees down, so take a means of cutting any you find.
Also bear in mind that few have turning points ;).

yu have my number if yu get trapped.
Back, all in one piece :D

Just a couple of new scuffs in the paint (bit boring really!)

I couldn't make my mind up where to start so tried somewhere new instead ;)
I remembered a byeway over near tilford in surey that i used to use years ago on the bikes so started there, pulled one car out of the snow on the way to it. There was two sets of old tyre tracks in the snow already and i realised why later, it was one car in and out! there were 2 trees down across the lane about 1/3 in. So as i'd packed me bow saw (cheers daft!!) i spent half an hour clearing it :) It ended up taking me over an hour to do about a mile and a half as there were 2 more down further in but at least i got plenty of excercise :D
After that i went up to hindhead and done the lane that crosses the a3 and down the ridge to the valley floor in virgin snow, bit scary, the nat trust wardens looked at me like i were stupid when i asked if the lane was passable and which way it went :eek:
So after bitching about old rusty for ages for not workin proper, i love it again! mioght even go out again later :)




A Nelly - someone who goes out laning on his own, gets stuck and half the LZ population are mobilised to rescue the bugger :D:D
Aha! you needn't have worried, i had a back up plan on that one, i put me mountain bike in the back just in case :D
Hi MHM got ur text, cheers. as long as all is well with me landy ill be up for that laning wheres everyone meeting? sorry never text ya back i was working

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