It's been a long time coming but we are almost ready to order some forum stickers:D

As its stands we need to decide whether people would prefer internal or external ones, then once we know roughly how many, I will place an order.
So if your interested in having one, please vote in the poll so we have a reasonably accurate number of how many people are interested.

The cost will be £4 including P&P. This is based on ordering in batches of 100. For payment we will probably set a payment link on the site for paypal. For people who want one and don't have paypal i'm pretty sure we will be able to sort something out.

They will be 6" wide and about 4" high



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one of each for me please
will you be doing pay'pal payments

I think Paypal will be the way forward. We will probably create a little shop type thing where you can fill all your details in. All shall be revealed very soon!

(That means once I know what were doing:D:D)
I'll have one! especially seeing as my Depender is red :D (little secret though.. it goes up hills.. BIG hills)
I can do them no problem :D
They are approx 460mm x 40mm and £3 with p&p. Can do most colours too:D
I'm up for a couple internal....

Will I get shouted at if I asked , if you would consider model specific??

One design for
Series (generic)
Disco1/2 (generic)
Disco 3/4 (generic)
L322/Sport (generic)

or am I seriously pushing my luck??

Still would like 2 of the original design first though!!

:D:D Glad you asked 1st.!!
It'd have to be external for me - not much glass in a small truck cab series - already have OLLI stickers on the back window!

I'd be interested in a web address one too though - white external
Accy - wot about rear and front visor type transfers with the web addy, or some sort of logo? You now, like the 'one life' type things???
i would like 2 internal stickers please,although £4.00 each seems a bit steep but i guess the more you can sell the cheaper they will be so come on people
Accy - wot about rear and front visor type transfers with the web addy, or some sort of logo? You now, like the 'one life' type things???

I can ask the printer about them. Open to ideas really, if there is enough interest we can get some prices.

'One Wife.....Livid'?

Seen a few with web addys.......was gonna make something up outta tape

As far as the text banners go, we can do almost anything. I have a Vinyl cutter so it's just a case of getting on with it. As long as the cost of the vinyl and postage is covered i'm more than happy to do it.

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