It's been a long time coming but we are almost ready to order some forum stickers:D

As its stands we need to decide whether people would prefer internal or external ones, then once we know roughly how many, I will place an order.
So if your interested in having one, please vote in the poll so we have a reasonably accurate number of how many people are interested.

The cost will be £4 including P&P. This is based on ordering in batches of 100. For payment we will probably set a payment link on the site for paypal. For people who want one and don't have paypal i'm pretty sure we will be able to sort something out.

They will be 6" wide and about 4" high



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definetly interested in a hoody or 2, did you say you could get user name printed on them ?

It's a possibility. It's the machine setup time that costs money so it may just be more expensive for extra letters. I will try to get some more information this week
We can do the text banners now. We have a vinyl cutter here so it's just a case of covering the cost of materials and time.

If we can do them now can we add them to the shop? banner would work better for me than a sticker :)
Adding them to the shop is one for Roy. We intended to get it all sorted by today but time hasn't been on our side. Hopefully he will find the time to get it done this weekend all being well.
Adding them to the shop is one for Roy. We intended to get it all sorted by today but time hasn't been on our side. Hopefully he will find the time to get it done this weekend all being well.

Have you left him a list of chores to do so he can earn his pocket money?:p
Hey guys.....theres a SHOP.....and it sells stickers....Honest...just bought 3...who would have thought....a shop...bugger me....
Me too. I is most disgruntled I int got mine yet. I better be first to get them or there will be trouble.

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