It's been a long time coming but we are almost ready to order some forum stickers:D

As its stands we need to decide whether people would prefer internal or external ones, then once we know roughly how many, I will place an order.
So if your interested in having one, please vote in the poll so we have a reasonably accurate number of how many people are interested.

The cost will be £4 including P&P. This is based on ordering in batches of 100. For payment we will probably set a payment link on the site for paypal. For people who want one and don't have paypal i'm pretty sure we will be able to sort something out.

They will be 6" wide and about 4" high



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No need for the sackcloth and ashes, we all make little mistakes. Oh, except for some who believe they are omniscient!
Got my '' sticker today, Thanks very much :D now just waiting for the rain to stop :doh:
Got mine today. Cheers for that. Got the internal type, and will stick on the back window asap.
BTW its perfect as it is! thanks
hmm very strange, I posted it on the day that I made the previous post and it was 1st class and it went in the same post box as 3 others....
Where? :suspicious: I know you wouldnt be so hopeless as to post it in the middle of a thread of 200+ post saying 'I'll have 2' and 'mine arrived' :doh: :D

Lets just say it seemed like a good idea at the time:D I daren't start a new thread about it for fear of people hitting me with:search: stick or :nospamhere: so:focus:

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