right, now check the post numbers, you will see that the later post says something different , this is what we call an update, it mostly boils down to common sense ;)
Right, just need some information, where is the place we is going to, what ports are we using (want to see how much its gonna cost in fuel to each place) and does anyone have the prices and locations of LPG stations on the route on t'other side of the pond?
look its a chance to meet up and have some fun if wumun decide to go then they'll go or would you like a fifty/ fifty split just to increase yer chances of losing yer cherry. on second thought better make that all wumun and you just to give you a fightin chance..

in case you still aint got it its a orf road event fer landy folks, and daft. ok !
if yer lookin to get yer end away you'd be betta trying the afor mentioned club 12-15
i think when he was in gods creation shop they asked him what sort of head he wanted, he missheard and thought they said bed, so he asked fer a big soft un

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