I know, i aint single and yet i can still keep the toilet seat up in my house! No i am not brave, i just dont live with her!!!! lol
Might swing it..........Is it allowed to leave the toilet seat up at the campsite? May have more takers that way, just a thought.
I was given a red hot bird for christmas.

A KFC family feast.

The legs and breasts were very tasty, but that greasy bucket gave me some very nasty flashbacks of married life!!!!!:D
reet so it seems that now our idea is not what is wanted.;so you tells us what you'd like and we'll see if it can be arranged. once you let us know what you'd like we can get THAT priced up and then take it from there...
as it stands its a week in nth france wiff two complete days orf roading, 50 odd acres to drive as you please. shopping trip is arranged fer the doris's. bbs on first and last night with a shindig on the last night aswell.
various friendly compertitions wiff prize giving on last night.
water sport centre and karting near by which can be arraged before hand if you let us know.
greenlaning in small groups, one each day.
clay pidgeon shooting can also be done as can a days beauty treament fer the wumun and gaylanders.

YOU let me know what it is you'd like and i'll do my best to arrange it bearing in mind that not everything will be included if not enought people are interested.
trips to calvados factory,vinyards and other froggy stuff are also an option.

or, you can leave me and yella to sort out what we think yud like.
and an idea of how much dosh yer willing to pay fer the whole week would give a better idea of what to arrange.

come on lets stop bickering over daft **** and get this sorted .
if mr and mrs daft want B&B i can do that fer then or we could B&B the whole thing.. personally i prefer camping..less distance to stagger at night
I am absolutely fine with what was organised, was just unsure of wether the £500 was the base price, i.e. if only 5 vehicles go then its still £500 but if its 35 then it goes down a bit, thats all i was wandering about :D Everything else was peachy :D
i did post this one earlier today, just a thought

Why not just work out a price for it excluding the ferry and people can make their own way there?
might be an idea seeing as i think from some of the posts there are some that won't be using the ferry anyway cos they will already be in france, or they are staying there longer.
Hey Slob and Yella
Yu guys are doin a grand job - and maybe tryin too hard. I am sure for the vast majority it is fine. There is no point in trying to make it all things to all peeps - yu can nevva win. I appreciate the b&b option -wunda if others are interested? Campin just aint my style - kids are orf our hands and we just prefer a bit more comfort (we are southern exgaylander woosies remember). I am sure that those on a more restrictive budget or wiv kids or just those that like the outdoor life (less distance to stagger), the camping is just dandy!
As I sed before - yu can nevva make it purrfect for everyone. Thanks again guys - it IS appreciated. My point about removing the off-roading (as an option) was just that not everyone would want that and it mite open up the trip to some that wouldnt come otherwise (and it mite reduce the cost).
Am sure the only question was, how much would it be at the most? not that it wasn't what was wanted.
it was just that if say only 10-15 cars end up going would the cost still be around £500?
i have read all of your posts and all of everyone elses posts, like slob said, post what you want then we will sort it out, that way no one can moan when we put it together, ;)
Yella, read your post on page 20, saying £500 fer 2 people isnt clear when you previously said that that price was for 30 vehicles!!
lets put it this way. the reason its only £500 is because we have said there will be thirty, if there are less than 30 then it will be dearer, if there are more than 30then the price will fall ;)

This bit where you said it will be dearer if less than 30 go, but how much dearer?

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