see my post ^^, but ratz says no?

just a thought - aint the rear axle a Salisbury? can yu remove half shafts easily on them?
So let me get this right - some are on their way home, some are home, some are stuck half way home and the hardocore are still on site and staying for more beer till tomorrow?
Yeh but my navigator stuck and you know the one gets left behind ;)

plus we got bbq ,bacon, rolls and drink so can think of worse places & situations to break down :D
It seems we are the only ones left at the show! It's been a great weekend and great to meet you all. I believe lz rescue are on the way to deazy and 110w, meanwhile we are still on the drink and BBQ! ImageUploadedByTapatalk1340559155.411330.jpg
I would also like it noted for the record, that not only does 110w make a mean cake, she's pretty good at bacon sarnies too... as log as fanny's around to show her how to work the grill!!
I had a great weekend, I think!! The concussion I've suffered as a result of Accy's negligent dropping of his ratchet & socket, on me head. Has made me go all wobbly.. Time to fone 0800suethefooker. :D :D

Didn't buy anything really as nowt took me fancy. But am still £200 lighter. :eek: Had sunday roast at the carvery just outside the showground (Cannards Well) and very nice it was too.
I always knew them Lancastrians were weird. But watching Accy using his radiator to pan for the gold falling from the onsite water tap. Just put it all into perpective.. :eek:
RAC has just pulled up. Saves my fuel :)

Cheers for all the advice guys.

But if you are going to break down. Ensure you have a BBQ :)


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