
little and large, oh and did anyone spot MOD1 at the show?

I doubt if anyone spotted him...had him bound & gagged in my tent all weekend and used him as my love toy :D
I still think the grey haired C4H cock poured water down my breather tubes lol

Oh yeah and thaks Accy and Roy for organising and every body else for everything else
Was great to meet you all

(oh and just as general forum knowledge, fanatic isn't actually a cock, he just likes you to think he is) :)

Actually Fanny IS a cock.......he just wants you to think he wants you just to think he is.....:D

Glad you made it back ok
Oi , ACCY, ROY............wake up, you've got a long drive home ahead of you :p
(oh and just as general forum knowledge, fanatic isn't actually a cock, he just likes you to think he is) :)

:confused: I don't believe you. At least I don't want to, it would spoil the illusion of him. I reckon he is the cause of your water in axle issue...
Landyzone base camp has now been packed away and Accy and Roy are now headed north.

Cheers Accy and Roy for organising it all and thanks to all those that came along and either camped over or stuck their heads in to say hi.:)
Landyzone base camp has now been packed away and Accy and Roy are now headed north.

Cheers Accy and Roy for organising it all and thanks to all those that came along and either camped over or stuck their heads in to say hi.:)

aint you buggers got a home to go to? :rolleyes:
Did watching the match on that 13" screen make it any less disappointing, Accy? :D

Managed to catch streamed audio commentary on the way home, and got home in time for the 2nd half... :(

It was quite amusing with 3 of us huddled around the back of the 90 watching the laptop, choking on toolbox Barrie smoke and trying to drink all the remaining alcohol!

So when's Accrington Land Rover Show gonna get invented? So us norfwestern lot can have a meet.

I'm sure we can find something.. Maybe a bit more midland ish though so it's appealing to more members. But after this weekend there will defo be more!!!

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